Fork 0

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### BOT ###
# The Server name to connect to. Duh!
Server = fanir.de
# "Default" is 6667. An often used port for SSL would be 6697, if SSL would be
# supported. Maybe in a future, far far away...
Port = 6667
# Serverpassword. Empty in most cases.
ServerPasswd =
# A comma-seperated list of channels to join.
# The channels must be enclosed with quotation marks ("")!
Channels = "#bots", "#your_channel"
# The encodings to try when getting messages from IRC. Will be tried in the given order.
# The first one is used to encode data when sending stuff.
# The list given shoud do just fine in most networks, I assume.
# Also comma seperated.
Encodings = utf-8, latin-1, iso-8859-1, cp1252
# The list of nicknames to try. If the first one is not aviable, it will
# try the second, and so on...
# You should specfy at least two nicks.
Nicknames = chalkbot, chalkbot_, chalkbot__
# Also known as username. Some IRC-internal.
# By default, the nickname will be used as ident.
Ident = chalkbot
Realname = A ChalkBot Instance
# Command for registering with nickserv, without leading slash.
NickservCommand =
Modes = +iB
# List of users (hostmasks as regex) and the commands they are allowed to execute.
# * can be used instead of commands to allow every command. You should append a trailing comma.
# All command names should be lowercase.
yournickname\!yourusername@.* = *,
\!@some other user = join, part, invite
.*\!murderer@(localhost|127(\.0){2}\.1) = die,
# The prefix for commands for the bot.
CommandPrefix = !
# Which way should be used to speak to users?
# "" (Nothing) means the type of the incoming message should be used.
# One of: NOTICE, PRIVMSG, "" (Nothing)
QueryType =
# With how much information do you want to be annoyed?
# DEBUG spams most, FATAL least. WARNING should be a good tradeoff.
Loglevel = WARNING
# Time to wait between two PRIVMSGS in seconds.
# Can prevent the bot from running into flood limits.
MsgWaitTime = 0.1
# The time the parser for incoming data should wait between each attempt to read new data in seconds.
# High values will certainly make the bot reply slowly while very low values increads cpu load and therefore will perform badly on slow machines.
# You should keep it between 1 and 0.001 seconds.
# For gods sake, don't ever set it to 0!
ParserWaitTime = 0.05
Active = True
Active = False
ApiKey = your_api_key