Fork 0

Added helper function msgsplit

Added command fefe
Added MapQuest and Fefe to .help
Minor fix
This commit is contained in:
fanir 2014-03-21 09:57:47 +01:00
parent c079093af9
commit fc1a9a04d5
1 changed files with 36 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -272,6 +272,11 @@ class pircbot():
return textstring.decode(self.encodings[0], 'ignore')
# splits messages into parts with a specific maximal length
def msgsplit(self, msg, length=400):
return [msg[i:i+length] for i in range(0, len(msg), length)]
# checks if a given user may execute a given command
def check_privileges(self, usermask, command, log=True):
for user, privs in self.users.items():
@ -391,6 +396,8 @@ class pircbot():
choose <choice1>, <choice2>[, <choice3>[, ...]] -- Let the bot decide!\n\
DuckDuckGo, ddg <query> -- Ask the DuckDuckGo Instant Answer API\n\
Forecast, fc <query> -- Query Forecast.io\n\
MapQuest, mq, OpenStreetMap, osm <query> -- Get lat and lon for a place\n\
Fefe [<id>] -- Show a given or the lastest post in Fefes Blog\n\
" % (
@ -480,7 +487,7 @@ class pircbot():
"Precipitation Intensity: %s mm/h" % rj["currently"]["precipIntensity"], in_query_type)
if "precipType" in rj["currently"]: self.reply(origin, source,
"Precipitation Type: %s" % rj["currently"]["precipType"], in_query_type)
self.reply(origin, source,
if "visibility" in rj["currently"]: self.reply(origin, source,
"Visibility: %s km" % rj["currently"]["visibility"], in_query_type)
self.reply(origin, source,
"Humidity: %s %%" % (rj["currently"]["humidity"]*100), in_query_type)
@ -497,7 +504,7 @@ class pircbot():
return "Error while querying Forecast.io, got HTTP-Status %i" % rp.getcode()
return "Usage: %s <lat> <lon>" % command
# MapQuest, mq, OpenStreetMap, osm
# MapQuest, mq, OpenStreetMap, osm <query>
elif command in ("mapquest", "mq", "openstreetmap", "osm") and self.mapquest_cfg["Active"] == "1":
if numparams==0:
return "You didn't ask anything..."
@ -524,6 +531,33 @@ class pircbot():
return "(Nominatim Search Courtesy of MapQuest <http://www.mapquest.com/>)"
return "Error while querying MapQuest, got HTTP-Status %i" % rp.getcode()
# Fefe <id>
elif command == "fefe":
if numparams>1:
return "Waddayawannasee? (The one and only optional argument needed is the ID of the blog post. If it is omitted, the last post will be shown.)"
if numparams==1:
rp = urlopen("http://blog.fefe.de/?ts=%s" % quote_plus(params[0]))
rp = urlopen("http://blog.fefe.de/")
except Exception as e:
self.log.error("Error while querying Fefe: %s" % e)
return "Error while querying Fefe: %s" % e
if rp.getcode() == 200:
rpd = str(rp.readall(), "utf-8")
m = re.search(r"<li>(.*?)<\/(?:li|ul)>", "".join(rpd.splitlines())).groups()[0]
m = " ".join((re.split(r"<.+?>", m)))[6:]
if len(m)>400:
mmlen = 400
for l in self.msgsplit(m):
self.reply(origin, source, l, in_query_type)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning("Suspectious things happend while handling a response from fefes blog, but it's probably just an incorrect blogpost-id: %s" % e)
return "Nothing matched... (If you're sure your id was correct, see error log)"
### IRC ###
# join <channel>