#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # main.py # # Copyright 2014 Fanir # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # SETTINGS CAN BE FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FILE import sys, string, socket, re, signal, json, logging from random import choice from time import sleep, time from select import poll, POLLIN, POLLPRI, POLLOUT,\ POLLERR, POLLHUP, POLLNVAL from threading import Thread, Event from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.parse import quote_plus from configobj import ConfigObj bot = None logging.basicConfig(format="[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") class pircbot(): def __init__( self, server, nicknames, ident = "pircbot", realname = "pircbot", port = 6667, serverpasswd = "", encodings = ("utf-8", "latin-1"), query_type = "", command_prefix = "!", msg_wait_time = 0, parser_wait_time = 0.1, users = "", duckduckgo_cfg = {"Active": "0"}, forecast_cfg = {"Active": "0"}, logger = logging.getLogger(logging.basicConfig()) ): self.nicknames = nicknames self.ident = ident self.realname = realname self.server = server self.port = int(port) self.serverpasswd = serverpasswd self.encodings = encodings self.query_type = query_type.upper() self.cmdprefix = command_prefix self.msg_wait_time = float(msg_wait_time) self.parser_wait_time = float(parser_wait_time) self.users = users self.duckduckgo_cfg = duckduckgo_cfg self.forecast_cfg = forecast_cfg self.log = logger self.user = {} self.socket = None self.recvbuffer = bytearray(1024) self.recvloop = None self.parseloop = None self.die_event = Event() self.ready = False self.mode_reply = {} self.last_msg_ts = time() def connect(self): # connect self.socket = socket.socket() self.log.debug("--- SOCKET OPENING ---") try: self.socket.connect((self.server, self.port)) except socket.error as e: self.log.critical("Fehler: %s" % e) return # start getting data self.recvloop = Thread(target=self.recv, name="recvloop") self.recvloop.start() # optionally send a server password if self.serverpasswd != "": self.send("PASS %s" % self.serverpasswd) # get a nick self.send("NICK %s" % self.nicknames.pop(0)) # set user data self.send("USER %s 0 * :%s" % (self.ident, self.realname)) # implements irc command QUIT and (more or less) clean exiting def disconnect(self, reason="", send_quit=True): if send_quit: try: self.send("QUIT :%s" % reason) sleep(1) except: pass self.die_event.set() ctr = 0 while self.recvloop.is_alive() and self.parseloop.is_alive() and ctr < 15: ctr += 1 sleep(1) self.log.debug("--- SOCKET CLOSING ---") try: self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.socket.close() except: pass ### threaded functions ### # loop for recieving data from irc def recv(self): """ Loop for reciving data """ self.log.debug("--- RECVLOOP STARTING ---") self.parseloop = Thread(target=self.parser, name="parser") p = poll() p.register(self.socket.fileno(), POLLIN) while not self.die_event.is_set(): ap = p.poll(1000) if (self.socket.fileno(), POLLIN) in ap: self.recvbuffer.extend(self.socket.recv(1024)) if not self.parseloop.is_alive(): self.parseloop = Thread(target=self.parser, name="parser") self.parseloop.start() self.log.debug("--- RECVLOOP EXITING ---") # loop for parsing incoming data def parser(self): """ Loop for parsing incoming data """ self.log.debug("--- PARSELOOP STARTING ---") while not self.die_event.is_set():# and self.recvbuffer.endswith(b"\r\n"):# != b"": if self.recvbuffer.endswith(b"\r\n"): # get and decode line from buffer rawline, _, self.recvbuffer = self.recvbuffer.partition(b"\r\n") rawline = self.decode(rawline) # prepare line line = rawline.split(" :", 1) head = line[0].lstrip("\x00").split(" ") larg = line[1] if len(line)>1 else "" # parse prefix origin = {} if head[0].startswith(":"): prefix = head.pop(0)[1:] if "@" in prefix: origin["nick"], origin["ident"], origin["host"] = re.match(r"(\S+)!(\S+)@(\S+)", prefix).groups() origin["mask"] = prefix else: origin["server"] = prefix else: prefix = "" # parse command command = head.pop(0) # parse params params = head params.append(larg.strip()) self.log.debug(" > %s" % rawline) # PING if command == "PING": self.send("PONG %s" % params[0]) # PRIVMSG and NOTICE elif command == "PRIVMSG" or command == "NOTICE": if params[1][0] == self.cmdprefix: args = [] for v in params[1][1:].split(" "): if v!="": args.append(v) rp = self.on_command(command, prefix, origin, params[0], args[0].lower(), args[1:]) if rp not in (None, ""): self.reply(origin, params[0], rp, command) # 221 (RPL_UMODEIS) elif command == "221" and self.mode_reply is not {}: self.query(self.mode_reply["to"], "Modes are %s" % params[1], self.mode_reply["type"]) self.mode_reply = {} # INVITE elif command == "INVITE": if self.check_privileges(origin["mask"], command): self.join(params[1]) else: self.query(origin["nick"], "You can not force me to do that!", "NOTICE") # 001 (RPL_WELCOME) elif command == "001": self.user["mask"] = re.search(r" (\S+!\S+@\S+)$", rawline.split(" :", 1)[1]).groups()[0] self.user["nick"], self.user["ident"], self.user["host"] = re.match(r"(\S+)!(\S+)@(\S+)", self.user["mask"]).groups() self.ready = True # 433 (ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE) elif command == "433": self.send("NICK %s" % self.nicknames.pop(0)) # KILL elif command == "KILL": self.log.warning("Got killed by %s: %s" % (params[0], params[1:])) self.disconnect(send_quit=False) else: sleep(self.parser_wait_time) self.log.debug("--- PARSELOOP EXITING ---") ### helper functions ### # encodes data for irc def encode(self, textstring): for codec in self.encodings: try: return textstring.encode(codec) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue return textstring.encode(self.encodings[0], 'ignore') # decodes data from irc def decode(self, textstring): for codec in self.encodings: try: return textstring.decode(codec) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue return textstring.decode(self.encodings[0], 'ignore') # checks if a given user may execute a given command def check_privileges(self, usermask, command): for user, privs in self.users.items(): if re.search(user, usermask, re.IGNORECASE) != None: if command.lower() in privs or "*" in privs: return True return False # checks if s is a valid channel name def is_channel(self, s): return (True if s[0] in ('&', '#', '!') else False) def exec_on_ready(self, command, retry_times=-1, interval=1): if command.startswith("self."): if retry_times == -1: while not self.ready: sleep(interval) else: cnt = 0 while not self.ready and cnt time(): sleep(0.1) self.last_msg_ts = time() self.send("".join(("PRIVMSG ", channel, " :", msg))) # replies to user by NOTICE or PRIVMSG def query(self, nick, msg, in_query_type): self.send("".join((self.query_type if self.query_type!="" else in_query_type, " ", nick, " :", msg))) def nick(self, nick): self.exec_on_ready("".join(('self.send("JOIN %s" % "', channel, '")'))) def join(self, channel): self.exec_on_ready("".join(('self.send("JOIN %s" % "', channel, '")'))) def part(self, channel): self.exec_on_ready("".join(('self.send("PART %s" % "', channel, '")'))) def set_mode(self, modes, target=""): self.exec_on_ready("".join(('self.send("MODE %s :%s" % (', ''.join(('"', target, '"')) if target != "" else 'self.user["nick"]', ', "', modes, '"))'))) def get_modes(self, target=""): self.exec_on_ready("".join(('self.send("MODE %s" % ', ''.join(('"', target, '"')) if target != "" else 'self.user["nick"]', ')'))) ### handler ### # bot-command handler def on_command(self, in_query_type, prefix, origin, source, command, params): """ Executed when getting a PRIVMSG starting with self.cmdprefix Prefix contains the optional prefix of the raw line. Origin is a map holding the parsed prefix, containing "nick", "ident" and "host" for users and "server" for servers. Source is the first parameter after the irc-command, specifying the channel or user, from where the line comes. Command is the command for the bot. Params contains a list of originally space separated parameters. """ numparams = len(params) # hello if command == "hello": greeting = "".join(("Hi " + origin["nick"] +"!")) return greeting # say if command == "say": return " ".join(params) # DuckDuckGo, ddg elif command in ("duckduckgo", "ddg") and self.duckduckgo_cfg["Active"] == "1": if numparams==0: return "You didn't ask anything..." try: rp = urlopen("https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&format=json&no_html=1&no_redirect=1&t=pircbot:chalkbot" % quote_plus(" ".join(params))) except Exception as e: self.log.error("Error while querying DuckDuckGo: %s" % e) return "Error while querying DuckDuckGo: %s" % e if rp.getcode() == 200: used_fields = ( "Heading", "AbstractText", "AbstractSource", "AbstractURL", "AnswerType", "Answer", "Definition", "DefinitionSource", "DefinitionURL", ) rj = json.loads(str(rp.readall(), "utf-8")) empty_field_counter = 0 for elem in [rj for rj in used_fields]: if rj[elem] not in ("", []): self.reply(origin, source, "%s: %s" % (elem, rj[elem]), in_query_type) else: empty_field_counter+=1 if empty_field_counter == len(used_fields): return "No suitable reply from DuckDuckGo for query %s" % " ".join(params) else: return "(Results from DuckDuckGo )" else: return "Error while querying DuckDuckGo, got HTTP-Status %i" % rp.getcode() # Forecast, fc, weather elif command in ("weather", "forecast", "fc") and self.forecast_cfg["Active"] == "1": if numparams==2: return "(Powered by Forecast )" else: return "Usage: %s " % command # join elif command == "join": if numparams>0: if self.check_privileges(origin["mask"], command): self.join(params[0]) else: self.query(origin["nick"], "You cannot do that!", in_query_type) # part elif command == "part": if numparams>0: if self.check_privileges(origin["mask"], command): self.part(params[0]) else: self.query(origin["nick"], "You cannot do that!", in_query_type) # mode ± elif command == "mode": if self.check_privileges(origin["mask"], command): if numparams==0: self.mode_reply["to"] = origin["nick"] self.mode_reply["type"] = in_query_type self.get_modes() else: self.set_mode(" ".join(params) if numparams>0 else params) else: self.query(origin["nick"], "You cannot do that!", in_query_type) # die [] elif command == "die": if self.check_privileges(origin["mask"], command): self.disconnect("".join(params) if numparams>0 else "".join((origin["nick"], " shot me, dying now... Bye..."))) else: self.query(origin["nick"], "Go die yourself!", in_query_type) else: replies = [ ("What? \"%s\" is not a command!", 15), ("%s? What's that?", 3), ("Sorry, I don't know how to %s...", 1) ] self.query(origin["nick"], choice([val for val, cnt in replies for i in range(cnt)]) % (command), in_query_type) def parseargs(): import argparse p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = "guess what? i think my desc is still missing!" ) p.add_argument("action", default = "help", choices = ["start", "stop", "checkconf"], help = "What to do?" ) p.add_argument("--loglevel", "-l", choices = ["critical", "error", "warning", "info", "debug"], help = "Verbosity of logging" ) #p.add_argument("--daemon", "-d", type = bool, choices = [1, 0], default=1, help="Daemonize, Default: 1") return p.parse_args() def main(): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) global bot args = parseargs() cfg = ConfigObj("bot.conf") nll = getattr(logging, cfg["Behavior"]["Loglevel"].upper(), None) if not isinstance(nll, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % cfg["Behavior"]["Loglevel"]) if args.loglevel != None: nll = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(nll, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % args.loglevel) log.setLevel(nll) if args.action == "start": try: bot = pircbot( nicknames = cfg["Bot"]["Nicknames"], ident = cfg["Bot"]["Ident"], realname = cfg["Bot"]["Realname"], server = cfg["Network"]["Server"], port = cfg["Network"]["Port"], serverpasswd = cfg["Network"]["ServerPasswd"], encodings = cfg["Network"]["Encodings"], query_type = cfg["Behavior"]["QueryType"], command_prefix = cfg["Behavior"]["CommandPrefix"], msg_wait_time = cfg["Behavior"]["MsgWaitTime"], parser_wait_time = cfg["Behavior"]["ParserWaitTime"], users = cfg["Permissions"], duckduckgo_cfg = cfg["DuckDuckGo"], forecast_cfg = cfg["Forecast.io"], logger = log, ) bot.connect() # wait for the bot to become ready while bot.ready and not bot.die_event.is_set() == False: sleep(1) if not bot.die_event.is_set(): # set modes and join channels bot.set_mode(cfg["Bot"]["Modes"]) for channel in cfg["Network"]["Channels"]: bot.join(channel) # while bot is active, do nothing while not bot.die_event.is_set(): sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.info("Got Ctrl-C, dying now...") bot.disconnect("Ouch! Got shot by Ctrl-C, dying now... See you!") log.debug("--- MAIN EXITING ---") elif args.action == "stop": print("nope!") elif args.action == "checkconf": for section, settings in cfg.items(): print("".join(("[", section, "]"))) for e in settings: print("%20s : %s" % (e, settings[e])) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': main()