fanir d28ad1741d command line flags and no make release for Windows.
Added command line flags for styling and width.
Printing load averages doesn't work on windows.
2020-11-22 00:10:12 +01:00

120 lines
2.3 KiB

package main
import (
type Format struct {
Default, Warning string
var defaultFormat = Format{}
var tmuxFormat = Format{Default: "#[default]", Warning: "#[bg=colour208]"}
var binarySuffixes = []string{"B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB"}
const binaryFactor = 1024
func HBin(a uint64, precision int) string {
f := float64(a)
var suffix string
for _, suffix = range binarySuffixes {
if f < binaryFactor {
f /= binaryFactor
return fmt.Sprintf("%.*f%s", precision, f, suffix)
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Usage:", os.Args[0], "<window_width>")
func printLoad(format Format, precision int) {
l, err := load.Avg()
if err != nil {
panic(err) // fixme
if l.Load1 > float64(runtime.NumCPU()) {
fmt.Printf("[%.[1]*[2]f %.[1]*[3]f %.[1]*[4]f]",
precision, l.Load1, l.Load5, l.Load15)
func printMem(format Format, absolute, percent bool) {
if !(absolute || percent) {
v, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
if err != nil {
panic(err) //fixme
if v.UsedPercent > 90 {
fmt.Print(format.Warning, "[")
} else {
fmt.Print(format.Default, "[")
if absolute {
fmt.Printf("%s/%s", HBin(v.Used, 1), HBin(v.Total, 1))
if percent {
fmt.Print(" ")
if percent {
fmt.Printf("%.0f%%", v.UsedPercent)
func printTime(format Format, timeFormat string) {
now := time.Now()
fmt.Print(format.Default, now.Format(timeFormat))
func main() {
cols := flag.Uint("c", 0, "Window width in columns. 0 prints everything.")
mode := flag.String("style", "none", "Include style directives in output. Valid values: none tmux")
format := defaultFormat
switch *mode {
case "", "none":
case "tmux":
format = tmuxFormat
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of %s:\n", os.Args[0])
if *cols == 0 || *cols >= 150 {
printLoad(format, 2)
printMem(format, true, true)
printTime(format, " Mon 2006-01-02 15:04")
} else if *cols >= 120 {
printLoad(format, 2)
printMem(format, false, true)
printTime(format, " 15:04")
} else if *cols >= 100 {
printLoad(format, 0)
printMem(format, false, true)
printTime(format, " 15:04")
} else if *cols >= 80 {
printTime(format, "15:04")