#!/bin/bash # what are we trying to install? game_nm="DST" game_id=343050 cluster_name="Zom.bi" dontstarve_dir="$HOME/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether" # install game to this directory installdir=/home/steam/games/$game_nm # if path does not exist, create it mkdir -p $installdir if [[ -w $installdir ]] # can we write into the directory? then # Install or update the game in /home/steam/games/[game name] /opt/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh \ +login anonymous \ +force_install_dir $installdir \ +app_update $game_id validate \ +quit else # install dir maybe mounted read-only, simply # skip installing/updating and inform the user. echo "Skipped game installation." fi if [[ ! -f ${dontstarve_dir}/${cluster_name}/cluster_token.txt ]] then echo "${CLUSTER_TOKEN}" > ${dontstarve_dir}/${cluster_name}/cluster_token.txt fi # run the next commands from the installdir cd $installdir/bin run_shared=(./dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer) run_shared+=(-console) run_shared+=(-cluster "$cluster_name") run_shared+=(-monitor_parent_process $$) "${run_shared[@]}" -shard Caves | sed 's/^/Caves: /' & "${run_shared[@]}" -shard Master | sed 's/^/Master: /'