#!/bin/bash FIFO="/tmp/bar.fifo" FORMAT=" %(music)s %(services)s %(diskspace)s %%{c} %(debug)s %%{r} %(updates)s %(wifi)s %(adapter)s %(battery)s %(clock)s " icon_color="#A0A57E" icon() { echo -n "%{F$icon_color}"; printf '%b' "\ue$1"; echo -n "%{F-}"; } icon_music=$(icon 05c) icon_music_paused=$(icon 059) icon_services=$(icon 040) icon_diskspace=$(icon 0ab) icon_wifi=$(icon 048) icon_battery=$(icon 033) icon_battery_charging=$(icon 042) icon_clock=$(icon 018) icon_updates=$(icon 060) color_service_running="#A0A57E" color_service_stopped="#C37561" color_battery_good="white" color_battery_low="#C37561" music() { while true; do info=$(mpc current -f '[%title%]') icon=$icon_music if [ -n "$info" ]; then if [ -n "$(mpc status | grep paused)" ]; then icon=$icon_music_paused fi echo music "%{A:I music 20:}$icon $info%{A}" > $FIFO; else echo music "$icon (-)" > $FIFO; fi mpc idle >/dev/null; done; } serviceinfo() { service=$1 text=$2 systemctl is-active -q $service if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "%{F$color_service_running}$text%{F-}" else echo -n "%{F$color_service_stopped}$text%{F-}" fi } services() { while true; do info="$icon_services $(serviceinfo zomnet z)" echo services $info > $FIFO; sleep 5; done; } diskspace() { while true; do info=$(df -h / | awk '{if($6 == "/") { print $5 }}') echo diskspace "%{A:I filesystem 30:}$icon_diskspace $info%{A}" > $FIFO; sleep 20; done; } wifi() { while true; do info=$(wicd-cli --wireless --status | perl -e 'foreach $line (<>) { if($line =~ /Connected to (.+) at .+IP: ([0-9.]+)/ ) { print $1; break; } elsif($line =~ /Connecting to wireless network \"(.+)\"/) { print $1 . " - connecting"; break; } }') if [ -z "$info" ]; then info="(-)" fi echo wifi "%{A:I network 1061:}$icon_wifi $info%{A}" > $FIFO; sleep 1; done; } battery() { while true; do level=$(acpi -b | awk -F, 'BEGIN { s=0 } { s+=$2 } END { print int(s/NR) }') info="%{F$color_battery_good}$level%%{F-}" if [ "$level" -lt 20 ]; then info="%{F$color_battery_low}$level%%{F-}" fi echo battery "%{A:I battery 1061:}$info%{A}" > $FIFO sleep 5; done; } adapter() { _update() { icon=$icon_battery if [ "$1" == "1" ]; then icon=$icon_battery_charging fi echo adapter "%{A:I battery 1061:}$icon%{A}" > $FIFO } if [ -n "$(acpi -a | grep on-line)" ]; then _update 1 else _update 0 fi acpi_listen | while read DEVTYPE DEVID FLAGS STATUS; do if [ "$DEVTYPE" == "ac_adapter" ]; then if [ "$STATUS" == "00000001" ]; then _update 1 else _update 0 fi fi done } clock() { while true; do info=$(date +"%H:%M") #Bad hack: convert to int to remove leading 0s seconds_to_wait=$[ 61 - $(date +"%S" | awk '{print int($0)}') ]; echo clock "%{A:I "clock 1061":}$icon_clock $info%{A}" > $FIFO; sleep $seconds_to_wait done; } updates() { pac_updates() { checkupdates | wc -l } aur_updates() { yaourt -Quaq | wc -l } useless_packages() { pacman -Qtdq | wc -l } while true; do internet=$(wicd-cli --status | grep Connected) if [ -z "internet" ]; then if [ -z "$pac" ]; then pac=? fi if [ -z "$aur" ]; then aur=? fi else pac=$(pac_updates) aur=$(aur_updates) fi useless=$(useless_packages) updates="$pac+$aur-$useless" echo updates "$icon_updates $updates" > $FIFO; sleep 20 done } run_handler() { while read type param; do case $type in I) ./barinfo.sh kill ./barinfo.sh $param & ;; esac done } cd $(dirname $0) #Trap magic trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -9 -- -$$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT #Fifo [ -e "$FIFO" ] && rm -f $FIFO mkfifo $FIFO #start workers clock & battery & music & services & diskspace & wifi & updates & adapter & ( while true; do cat $FIFO; done ) | python ./barformatter.py "$FORMAT" | lemonbar -g 1366x15 -f "Stlarch:size=6:style=regular" -f "Terminus:size=8" -B "#88000000" | run_handler exit 0