" list.vim " @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037 " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 2007-06-30. " @Last Change: 2015-10-13. " @Revision: 59 """ List related functions {{{1 " For the following functions please see ../../test/tlib.vim for examples. " :def: function! tlib#list#Inject(list, initial_value, funcref) " EXAMPLES: > " echo tlib#list#Inject([1,2,3], 0, function('Add') " => 6 function! tlib#list#Inject(list, value, Function) "{{{3 if empty(a:list) return a:value else let item = a:list[0] let rest = a:list[1:-1] let value = call(a:Function, [a:value, item]) return tlib#list#Inject(rest, value, a:Function) endif endf " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#Compact([0,1,2,3,[], {}, ""]) " => [1,2,3] function! tlib#list#Compact(list) "{{{3 return filter(copy(a:list), '!empty(v:val)') endf " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#Flatten([0,[1,2,[3,""]]]) " => [0,1,2,3,""] function! tlib#list#Flatten(list) "{{{3 let acc = [] for e in a:list if type(e) == 3 let acc += tlib#list#Flatten(e) else call add(acc, e) endif unlet e endfor return acc endf " :def: function! tlib#list#FindAll(list, filter, ?process_expr="") " Basically the same as filter() " " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#FindAll([1,2,3], 'v:val >= 2') " => [2, 3] function! tlib#list#FindAll(list, filter, ...) "{{{3 let rv = filter(copy(a:list), a:filter) if a:0 >= 1 && a:1 != '' let rv = map(rv, a:1) endif return rv endf " :def: function! tlib#list#Find(list, filter, ?default="", ?process_expr="") " " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#Find([1,2,3], 'v:val >= 2') " => 2 function! tlib#list#Find(list, filter, ...) "{{{3 let default = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : '' let expr = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : '' return get(tlib#list#FindAll(a:list, a:filter, expr), 0, default) endf " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#Any([1,2,3], 'v:val >= 2') " => 1 function! tlib#list#Any(list, expr) "{{{3 return !empty(tlib#list#FindAll(a:list, a:expr)) endf " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#All([1,2,3], 'v:val >= 2') " => 0 function! tlib#list#All(list, expr) "{{{3 return len(tlib#list#FindAll(a:list, a:expr)) == len(a:list) endf " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#Remove([1,2,1,2], 2) " => [1,1,2] function! tlib#list#Remove(list, element) "{{{3 let idx = index(a:list, a:element) if idx != -1 call remove(a:list, idx) endif return a:list endf " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#RemoveAll([1,2,1,2], 2) " => [1,1] function! tlib#list#RemoveAll(list, element) "{{{3 call filter(a:list, 'v:val != a:element') return a:list endf " :def: function! tlib#list#Zip(lists, ?default='') " EXAMPLES: > " tlib#list#Zip([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]) " => [[1,4], [2,5], [3,6]] function! tlib#list#Zip(lists, ...) "{{{3 TVarArg 'default' let lists = copy(a:lists) let max = 0 for l in lists let ll = len(l) if ll > max let max = ll endif endfor " TLogVAR default, max return map(range(0, max - 1), 's:GetNthElement(v:val, lists, default)') endf function! s:GetNthElement(n, lists, default) "{{{3 " TLogVAR a:n, a:lists, a:default return map(copy(a:lists), 'get(v:val, a:n, a:default)') endf function! tlib#list#Uniq(list, ...) "{{{3 TVarArg ['get_value', ''], ['remove_empty', 0] if remove_empty call filter(a:list, 'type(v:val) == 0 || !empty(v:val)') endif " CREDITS: Based on syntastic#util#unique(list) by scrooloose let seen = {} let uniques = [] if empty(get_value) for e in a:list if !has_key(seen, e) let seen[e] = 1 call add(uniques, e) endif unlet e endfor else for e in a:list let v = eval(printf(get_value, string(e))) if !has_key(seen, v) let seen[v] = 1 call add(uniques, e) endif unlet e endfor endif return uniques endf function! tlib#list#ToDictionary(list, default, ...) "{{{3 TVarArg ['generator', ''] let dict = {} for item in a:list if !empty(item) let dict[item] = empty(generator) ? a:default : call(generator, [item, a:default]) endif endfor return dict endf