" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037 " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Revision: 116 " :def: function! tlib#string#RemoveBackslashes(text, ?chars=' ') " Remove backslashes from text (but only in front of the characters in " chars). function! tlib#string#RemoveBackslashes(text, ...) "{{{3 exec tlib#arg#Get(1, 'chars', ' ') " TLogVAR chars let rv = substitute(a:text, '\\\(['. chars .']\)', '\1', 'g') return rv endf " :display: tlib#string#Chomp(string, ?max=0) function! tlib#string#Chomp(string, ...) "{{{3 let quant = a:0 >= 1 ? '\{,'. a:1 .'}' : '\+' return substitute(a:string, '[[:cntrl:][:space:]]'. quant .'$', '', '') endf function! tlib#string#Format(template, dict) "{{{3 let parts = split(a:template, '\ze%\({.\{-}}\|.\)') let out = [] for part in parts let ml = matchlist(part, '^%\({\(.\{-}\)}\|\(.\)\)\(.*\)$') if empty(ml) let rest = part else let var = empty(ml[2]) ? ml[3] : ml[2] let rest = ml[4] if has_key(a:dict, var) call add(out, a:dict[var]) elseif var == '%%' call add(out, '%') else call add(out, ml[1]) endif endif call add(out, rest) endfor return join(out, '') endf " This function deviates from |printf()| in certain ways. " Additional items: " %{rx} ... insert escaped regexp " %{fuzzyrx} ... insert typo-tolerant regexp function! tlib#string#Printf1(format, string) "{{{3 let s = split(a:format, '%.\zs') " TLogVAR s return join(map(s, 's:PrintFormat(v:val, a:string)'), '') endf function! s:PrintFormat(format, string) "{{{3 let cut = match(a:format, '%\({.\{-}}\|.\)$') if cut == -1 return a:format else let head = cut > 0 ? a:format[0 : cut - 1] : '' let tail = a:format[cut : -1] " TLogVAR head, tail if tail == '%{fuzzyrx}' let frx = [] for i in range(len(a:string)) if i > 0 let pb = i - 1 else let pb = 0 endif let slice = tlib#rx#Escape(a:string[pb : i + 1]) call add(frx, '['. slice .']') call add(frx, '.\?') endfor let tail = join(frx, '') elseif tail == '%{rx}' let tail = tlib#rx#Escape(a:string) elseif tail == '%%' let tail = '%' elseif tail == '%s' let tail = a:string endif " TLogVAR tail return head . tail endif endf " function! tlib#string#Printf1(format, string) "{{{3 " let n = len(split(a:format, '%\@ 0 " let pb = i - 1 " else " let pb = 0 " endif " let slice = tlib#rx#Escape(a:string[pb : i + 1]) " call add(frx, '['. slice .']') " call add(frx, '.\?') " endfor " let f = s:RewriteFormatString(f, '%{fuzzyrx}', join(frx, '')) " endif " if f =~ '%\@