" buffer.vim " @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037 " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Created: 2007-06-30. " @Last Change: 2015-05-20. " @Revision: 0.1.352 " Where to display the line when using |tlib#buffer#ViewLine|. " For possible values for position see |scroll-cursor|. TLet g:tlib_viewline_position = 'zz' let s:bmru = [] function! tlib#buffer#EnableMRU() "{{{3 call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init() autocmd TLib BufEnter * call s:BMRU_Push(bufnr('%')) endf function! tlib#buffer#DisableMRU() "{{{3 call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init() autocmd! TLib BufEnter endf function! s:BMRU_Push(bnr) "{{{3 let i = index(s:bmru, a:bnr) if i >= 0 call remove(s:bmru, i) endif call insert(s:bmru, a:bnr) endf function! s:CompareBuffernameByBasename(a, b) "{{{3 let rx = '"\zs.\{-}\ze" \+\S\+ \+\d\+$' let an = matchstr(a:a, rx) let an = fnamemodify(an, ':t') let bn = matchstr(a:b, rx) let bn = fnamemodify(bn, ':t') let rv = an == bn ? 0 : an > bn ? 1 : -1 return rv endf function! s:CompareBufferNrByMRU(a, b) "{{{3 let an = matchstr(a:a, '\s*\zs\d\+\ze') let bn = matchstr(a:b, '\s*\zs\d\+\ze') let ai = index(s:bmru, 0 + an) if ai == -1 return 1 else let bi = index(s:bmru, 0 + bn) if bi == -1 return -1 else return ai == bi ? 0 : ai > bi ? 1 : -1 endif endif endf " Set the buffer to buffer and return a command as string that can be " evaluated by |:execute| in order to restore the original view. function! tlib#buffer#Set(buffer) "{{{3 let lazyredraw = &lazyredraw set lazyredraw try let cb = bufnr('%') let sn = bufnr(a:buffer) if sn != cb let ws = bufwinnr(sn) if ws != -1 let wb = bufwinnr('%') exec ws.'wincmd w' return wb.'wincmd w' else silent exec 'sbuffer! '. sn return 'wincmd c' endif else return '' endif finally let &lazyredraw = lazyredraw endtry endf " :def: function! tlib#buffer#Eval(buffer, code) " Evaluate CODE in BUFFER. " " EXAMPLES: > " call tlib#buffer#Eval('foo.txt', 'echo b:bar') function! tlib#buffer#Eval(buffer, code) "{{{3 " let cb = bufnr('%') " let wb = bufwinnr('%') " " TLogVAR cb " let sn = bufnr(a:buffer) " let sb = sn != cb let lazyredraw = &lazyredraw set lazyredraw let restore = tlib#buffer#Set(a:buffer) try exec a:code " if sb " let ws = bufwinnr(sn) " if ws != -1 " try " exec ws.'wincmd w' " exec a:code " finally " exec wb.'wincmd w' " endtry " else " try " silent exec 'sbuffer! '. sn " exec a:code " finally " wincmd c " endtry " endif " else " exec a:code " endif finally exec restore let &lazyredraw = lazyredraw endtry endf " :def: function! tlib#buffer#GetList(?show_hidden=0, ?show_number=0, " ?order='bufnr') " Possible values for the "order" argument: " bufnr :: Default behaviour " mru :: Sort buffers according to most recent use " basename :: Sort by the file's basename (last component) " " NOTE: MRU order works on second invocation only. If you want to always " use MRU order, call tlib#buffer#EnableMRU() in your ~/.vimrc file. function! tlib#buffer#GetList(...) TVarArg ['show_hidden', 0], ['show_number', 0], ['order', ''] " TLogVAR show_hidden, show_number, order let ls_bang = show_hidden ? '!' : '' redir => bfs exec 'silent ls'. ls_bang redir END let buffer_list = split(bfs, '\n') if order == 'mru' if empty(s:bmru) call tlib#buffer#EnableMRU() echom 'tlib: Installed Buffer MRU logger; disable with: call tlib#buffer#DisableMRU()' else call sort(buffer_list, function('s:CompareBufferNrByMRU')) endif elseif order == 'basename' call sort(buffer_list, function('s:CompareBuffernameByBasename')) endif let buffer_nr = map(copy(buffer_list), 'str2nr(matchstr(v:val, ''\s*\zs\d\+\ze''))') " TLogVAR buffer_list, buffer_nr if show_number call map(buffer_list, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^\s*\d\+.\{-}\ze\s\+\S\+ \d\+\s*$'')') else call map(buffer_list, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^\s*\d\+\zs.\{-}\ze\s\+\S\+ \d\+\s*$'')') endif " TLogVAR buffer_list " call map(buffer_list, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^.\{-}\ze\s\+line \d\+\s*$'')') " TLogVAR buffer_list call map(buffer_list, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^[^"]\+''). printf("%-20s %s", fnamemodify(matchstr(v:val, ''"\zs.\{-}\ze"$''), ":t"), fnamemodify(matchstr(v:val, ''"\zs.\{-}\ze"$''), ":h"))') " TLogVAR buffer_list return [buffer_nr, buffer_list] endf " :def: function! tlib#buffer#ViewLine(line, ?position='z') " line is either a number or a string that begins with a number. " For possible values for position see |scroll-cursor|. " See also |g:tlib_viewline_position|. function! tlib#buffer#ViewLine(line, ...) "{{{3 if a:line TVarArg 'pos' let ln = matchstr(a:line, '^\d\+') let lt = matchstr(a:line, '^\d\+: \zs.*') " TLogVAR pos, ln, lt exec ln if empty(pos) let pos = tlib#var#Get('tlib_viewline_position', 'wbg') endif " TLogVAR pos if !empty(pos) exec 'norm! '. pos endif call tlib#buffer#HighlightLine(ln) " let @/ = '\%'. ln .'l.*' endif endf function! s:UndoHighlightLine() "{{{3 3match none autocmd! TLib CursorMoved,CursorMovedI autocmd! TLib CursorHold,CursorHoldI autocmd! TLib InsertEnter,InsertChange,InsertLeave autocmd! TLib BufLeave,BufWinLeave,WinLeave,BufHidden endf function! tlib#buffer#HighlightLine(...) "{{{3 TVarArg ['line', line('.')] " exec '3match MatchParen /^\%'. a:line .'l.*/' exec '3match Search /^\%'. line .'l.*/' call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init() exec 'autocmd TLib CursorMoved,CursorMovedI if line(".") != '. line .' | call s:UndoHighlightLine() | endif' autocmd TLib CursorHold,CursorHoldI call s:UndoHighlightLine() autocmd TLib InsertEnter call s:UndoHighlightLine() " autocmd TLib BufLeave,BufWinLeave,WinLeave,BufHidden call s:UndoHighlightLine() endf " Delete the lines in the current buffer. Wrapper for |:delete|. function! tlib#buffer#DeleteRange(line1, line2) "{{{3 let r = @t try exec a:line1.','.a:line2.'delete t' finally let @t = r endtry endf " Replace a range of lines. function! tlib#buffer#ReplaceRange(line1, line2, lines) call tlib#buffer#DeleteRange(a:line1, a:line2) call append(a:line1 - 1, a:lines) endf " Initialize some scratch area at the bottom of the current buffer. function! tlib#buffer#ScratchStart() "{{{3 norm! Go let b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch = line('$') return b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch endf " Remove the in-buffer scratch area. function! tlib#buffer#ScratchEnd() "{{{3 if !exists('b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch') echoerr 'tlib: In-buffer scratch not initalized' endif call tlib#buffer#DeleteRange(b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch, line('$')) unlet b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch endf " Run exec on all buffers via bufdo and return to the original buffer. function! tlib#buffer#BufDo(exec) "{{{3 let bn = bufnr('%') exec 'bufdo '. a:exec exec 'buffer! '. bn endf " :def: function! tlib#buffer#InsertText(text, keyargs) " Keyargs: " 'shift': 0|N " 'col': col('.')|N " 'lineno': line('.')|N " 'indent': 0|1 " 'pos': 'e'|'s' ... Where to locate the cursor (somewhat like s and e in {offset}) " Insert text (a string) in the buffer. function! tlib#buffer#InsertText(text, ...) "{{{3 TVarArg ['keyargs', {}] " TLogVAR a:text, keyargs TKeyArg keyargs, ['shift', 0], ['col', col('.')], ['lineno', line('.')], ['pos', 'e'], \ ['indent', 0] " TLogVAR shift, col, lineno, pos, indent let grow = 0 let post_del_last_line = line('$') == 1 let line = getline(lineno) if col + shift > 0 let pre = line[0 : (col - 1 + shift)] let post = line[(col + shift): -1] else let pre = '' let post = line endif " TLogVAR lineno, line, pre, post let text0 = pre . a:text . post let text = split(text0, '\n', 1) " TLogVAR text let icol = len(pre) " exec 'norm! '. lineno .'G' call cursor(lineno, col) if indent && col > 1 if &fo =~# '[or]' " FIXME: Is the simple version sufficient? " VERSION 1 " " This doesn't work because it's not guaranteed that the " " cursor is set. " let cline = getline('.') " norm! a " "norm! o " " TAssertExec redraw | sleep 3 " let idt = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.') + shift) " " TLogVAR idt " let idtl = len(idt) " -1,.delete " " TAssertExec redraw | sleep 3 " call append(lineno - 1, cline) " call cursor(lineno, col) " " TAssertExec redraw | sleep 3 " if idtl == 0 && icol != 0 " let idt = matchstr(pre, '^\s\+') " let idtl = len(idt) " endif " VERSION 2 let idt = matchstr(pre, '^\s\+') let idtl = len(idt) else let [m_0, idt, iline; rest] = matchlist(pre, '^\(\s*\)\(.*\)$') let idtl = len(idt) endif if idtl < icol let idt .= repeat(' ', icol - idtl) endif " TLogVAR idt let idtl1 = len(idt) for i in range(1, len(text) - 1) let text[i] = idt . text[i] let grow += idtl1 endfor endif " TLogVAR text " exec 'norm! '. lineno .'Gdd' call tlib#normal#WithRegister('"tdd', 't') call append(lineno - 1, text) if post_del_last_line call tlib#buffer#KeepCursorPosition('$delete') endif let tlen = len(text) let posshift = matchstr(pos, '\d\+') " TLogVAR pos if pos =~ '^e' exec lineno + tlen - 1 exec 'norm! 0'. (len(text[-1]) - len(post) + posshift - 1) .'l' elseif pos =~ '^s' " TLogVAR lineno, pre, posshift exec lineno exec 'norm! '. len(pre) .'|' if !empty(posshift) exec 'norm! '. posshift .'h' endif endif " TLogDBG getline(lineno) " TLogDBG string(getline(1, '$')) return grow endf function! tlib#buffer#InsertText0(text, ...) "{{{3 TVarArg ['keyargs', {}] let mode = get(keyargs, 'mode', 'i') " TLogVAR mode if !has_key(keyargs, 'shift') let col = col('.') " if mode =~ 'i' " let col += 1 " endif let keyargs.shift = col >= col('$') ? 0 : -1 " let keyargs.shift = col('.') >= col('$') ? 0 : -1 " TLogVAR col " TLogDBG col('.') .'-'. col('$') .': '. string(getline('.')) endif " TLogVAR keyargs.shift return tlib#buffer#InsertText(a:text, keyargs) endf function! tlib#buffer#CurrentByte() "{{{3 return line2byte(line('.')) + col('.') endf " Evaluate cmd while maintaining the cursor position and jump registers. function! tlib#buffer#KeepCursorPosition(cmd) "{{{3 " let pos = getpos('.') let view = winsaveview() try keepjumps exec a:cmd finally " call setpos('.', pos) call winrestview(view) endtry endf