## functions to help deal with docker # Removes container $1 function docker_clean { docker kill $1 &>/dev/null ||: sleep .25s docker rm -vf $1 &>/dev/null ||: sleep .25s } # get the ip of docker container $1 function docker_ip { docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $1 } # get the running state of container $1 # → true/false # fails if the container does not exist function docker_running_state { docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} $1 } # get the docker container $1 PID function docker_pid { docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} $1 } # asserts logs from container $1 contains $2 function docker_assert_log { local -r container=$1 shift run docker logs $container assert_output -p "$*" } # wait for a container to produce a given text in its log # $1 container # $2 timeout in second # $* text to wait for function docker_wait_for_log { local -r container=$1 local -ir timeout_sec=$2 shift 2 retry $(( $timeout_sec * 2 )) .5s docker_assert_log $container "$*" } # Create a docker container named $1 which exposes the docker host unix # socket over tcp on port 2375. # # $1 container name function docker_tcp { local container_name="$1" docker_clean $container_name docker run -d \ --name $container_name \ --expose 2375 \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ rancher/socat-docker docker run --rm --link "$container_name:docker" docker version }