# Test if requirements are met ( type docker &>/dev/null || ( echo "docker is not available"; exit 1 ) type curl &>/dev/null || ( echo "curl is not available"; exit 1 ) )>&2 # set a few global variables SUT_IMAGE=jwilder/nginx-proxy:bats TEST_FILE=$(basename $BATS_TEST_FILENAME .bats) # load the Bats stdlib (see https://github.com/sstephenson/bats/pull/110) DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) export BATS_LIB="${DIR}/lib/bats" load "${BATS_LIB}/batslib.bash" # load additional bats helpers load ${DIR}/lib/helpers.bash load ${DIR}/lib/docker_helpers.bash # Define functions specific to our test suite # run the SUT docker container # and makes sure it remains started # and displays the nginx-proxy start logs # # $1 container name # $@ other options for the `docker run` command function nginxproxy { local -r container_name=$1 shift docker_clean $container_name \ && docker run -d \ --name $container_name \ "$@" \ $SUT_IMAGE \ && wait_for_nginxproxy_container_to_start $container_name \ && docker logs $container_name } # wait until the nginx-proxy container is ready to operate # # $1 container name function wait_for_nginxproxy_container_to_start { local -r container_name=$1 sleep .5s # give time to eventually fail to initialize function is_running { run docker_running_state $container_name assert_output "true" } retry 3 1 is_running } # Send a HTTP request to container $1 for path $2 and # Additional curl options can be passed as $@ # # $1 container name # $2 HTTP path to query # $@ additional options to pass to the curl command function curl_container { local -r container=$1 local -r path=$2 shift 2 curl --silent \ --connect-timeout 5 \ --max-time 20 \ "$@" \ http://$(docker_ip $container)${path} } # start a container running (one or multiple) webservers listening on given ports # # $1 container name # $2 container port(s). If multiple ports, provide them as a string: "80 90" with a space as a separator # $@ `docker run` additional options function prepare_web_container { local -r container_name=$1 local -r ports=$2 shift 2 local -r options="$@" local expose_option="" for port in $ports; do expose_option="${expose_option}--expose=$port " done ( # used for debugging purpose. Will be display if test fails echo "container_name: $container_name" echo "ports: $ports" echo "options: $options" echo "expose_option: $expose_option" )>&2 docker_clean $container_name # GIVEN a container exposing 1 webserver on ports 1234 run docker run -d \ --label bats-type="web" \ --name $container_name \ $expose_option \ -w /var/www/ \ $options \ -e PYTHON_PORTS="$ports" \ python:3 sh -c " for port in \$PYTHON_PORTS; do echo starting a web server listening on port \$port; mkdir /var/www/\$port cd /var/www/\$port echo \"answer from port \$port\" > data python -m http.server \$port & done wait " assert_success # THEN querying directly port works for port in $ports; do run retry 5 1s curl --silent --fail http://$(docker_ip $container_name):$port/data assert_output "answer from port $port" done }