#!/usr/bin/env bats load test_helpers SUT_CONTAINER=bats-nginx-proxy-${TEST_FILE} function setup { # make sure to stop any web container before each test so we don't # have any unexpected contaiener running with VIRTUAL_HOST or VIRUTAL_PORT set stop_bats_containers web } @test "[$TEST_FILE] start a nginx-proxy container" { run nginxproxy $SUT_CONTAINER -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro -v $(pwd)/lib/ssl:/etc/nginx/certs:ro assert_success docker_wait_for_log $SUT_CONTAINER 9 "Watching docker events" } @test "[$TEST_FILE] test SSL for VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats" { # WHEN prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-1 "80 443" \ -e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \ -e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-1 sleep 1 # THEN assert_301 test.nginx-proxy.bats assert_200_https test.nginx-proxy.bats } @test "[$TEST_FILE] test HTTPS_METHOD=nohttp" { # WHEN prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-2 "80 443" \ -e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \ -e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats \ -e HTTPS_METHOD=nohttp dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-2 sleep 1 # THEN assert_503 test.nginx-proxy.bats assert_200_https test.nginx-proxy.bats } @test "[$TEST_FILE] test HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect" { # WHEN prepare_web_container bats-ssl-hosts-3 "80 443" \ -e VIRTUAL_HOST=*.nginx-proxy.bats \ -e CERT_NAME=nginx-proxy.bats \ -e HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect dockergen_wait_for_event $SUT_CONTAINER start bats-ssl-hosts-3 sleep 1 # THEN assert_200 test.nginx-proxy.bats assert_200_https test.nginx-proxy.bats } @test "[$TEST_FILE] stop all bats containers" { stop_bats_containers } # assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 200` response # $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy function assert_200 { local -r host=$1 run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host" assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r' } # assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response # $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy function assert_503 { local -r host=$1 run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host" assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r' } # assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response # $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy function assert_301 { local -r host=$1 run curl_container $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host" assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r' } # assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 200` response # $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy function assert_200_https { local -r host=$1 run curl_container_https $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host" assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r' } # assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response # $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy function assert_503_https { local -r host=$1 run curl_container_https $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host" assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable\r' } # assert that querying nginx-proxy with the given Host header produces a `HTTP 503` response # $1 Host HTTP header to use when querying nginx-proxy function assert_301_https { local -r host=$1 run curl_container_https $SUT_CONTAINER / --head --header "Host: $host" assert_output -l 0 $'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r' }