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Thomas LEVEIL 4bd30f5d2c add test suite. See #197
This test suite is implemented using [bats](

Not all features are tested. For instance ssl features and custom nginx config are missing. Probably others.

This test suite won't work with TravisCI. Too many evenings were wasted trying to overcome [issues]( that arises only on the TravisCI platform. However it runs on [CircleCI]( which is also free for opensource projects.
2015-09-29 23:46:36 +00:00

128 lines
3.1 KiB

# Test if requirements are met
type docker &>/dev/null || ( echo "docker is not available"; exit 1 )
type curl &>/dev/null || ( echo "curl is not available"; exit 1 )
# set a few global variables
# load the Bats stdlib (see
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
export BATS_LIB="${DIR}/lib/bats"
load "${BATS_LIB}/batslib.bash"
# load additional bats helpers
load ${DIR}/lib/helpers.bash
load ${DIR}/lib/docker_helpers.bash
# Define functions specific to our test suite
# run the SUT docker container
# and makes sure it remains started
# and displays the nginx-proxy start logs
# $1 container name
# $@ other options for the `docker run` command
function nginxproxy {
local -r container_name=$1
docker_clean $container_name \
&& docker run -d \
--name $container_name \
"$@" \
&& wait_for_nginxproxy_container_to_start $container_name \
&& docker logs $container_name
# wait until the nginx-proxy container is ready to operate
# $1 container name
function wait_for_nginxproxy_container_to_start {
local -r container_name=$1
sleep .5s # give time to eventually fail to initialize
function is_running {
run docker_running_state $container_name
assert_output "true"
retry 3 1 is_running
# Send a HTTP request to container $1 for path $2 and
# Additional curl options can be passed as $@
# $1 container name
# $2 HTTP path to query
# $@ additional options to pass to the curl command
function curl_container {
local -r container=$1
local -r path=$2
shift 2
curl --silent \
--connect-timeout 5 \
--max-time 20 \
"$@" \
http://$(docker_ip $container)${path}
# start a container running (one or multiple) webservers listening on given ports
# $1 container name
# $2 container port(s). If multiple ports, provide them as a string: "80 90" with a space as a separator
# $@ `docker run` additional options
function prepare_web_container {
local -r container_name=$1
local -r ports=$2
shift 2
local -r options="$@"
local expose_option=""
for port in $ports; do
expose_option="${expose_option}--expose=$port "
( # used for debugging purpose. Will be display if test fails
echo "container_name: $container_name"
echo "ports: $ports"
echo "options: $options"
echo "expose_option: $expose_option"
docker_clean $container_name
# GIVEN a container exposing 1 webserver on ports 1234
run docker run -d \
--label bats-type="web" \
--name $container_name \
$expose_option \
-w /var/www/ \
$options \
-e PYTHON_PORTS="$ports" \
python:3 sh -c "
for port in \$PYTHON_PORTS; do
echo starting a web server listening on port \$port;
mkdir /var/www/\$port
cd /var/www/\$port
echo \"answer from port \$port\" > data
python -m http.server \$port &
# THEN querying directly port works
for port in $ports; do
run retry 5 1s curl --silent --fail http://$(docker_ip $container_name):$port/data
assert_output "answer from port $port"