
146 lines
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2018-05-04 10:30:44 +02:00
// Code generated by gnorm, DO NOT EDIT!
package enum
import "{{.Params.RootImport}}"
{{$rootPkg := .Params.RootPkg}}
{{- $type := .Enum.Name -}}
// {{ $type }} is the '{{ .Enum.DBName }}' enum type from schema '{{ .Enum.Schema.Name }}'.
type {{ $type }} uint16
const (
// Unknown{{$type}} defines an invalid {{$type}}.
Unknown{{$type}} {{$type}} = 0
{{- range .Enum.Values }}
{{ .Name }}{{ $type }} {{$type}} = {{ .Value }}
{{ end -}}
// String returns the string value of the {{ $type }}.
func (e {{ $type }}) String() string {
switch e {
{{- range .Enum.Values }}
case {{ .Name }}{{ $type }}:
return "{{ .DBName }}"
{{- end }}
return "Unknown{{$type}}"
// MarshalText marshals {{ $type }} into text.
func (e {{ $type }}) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(e.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText unmarshals {{ $type }} from text.
func (e *{{ $type }}) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
val, err := Parse{{$type}}(string(text))
if err != nil {
return err
*e = val
return nil
// Parse{{$type}} converts s into a {{$type}} if it is a valid
// stringified value of {{$type}}.
func Parse{{$type}}(s string) ({{$type}}, error) {
switch s {
{{- range .Enum.Values }}
case "{{ .DBName }}":
return {{ .Name }}{{ $type }}, nil
{{- end }}
return Unknown{{$type}}, errors.New("invalid {{ $type }}")
// Value satisfies the sql/driver.Valuer interface for {{ $type }}.
func (e {{ $type }}) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return e.String(), nil
// Scan satisfies the database/sql.Scanner interface for {{ $type }}.
func (e *{{ $type }}) Scan(src interface{}) error {
buf, ok := src.([]byte)
if !ok {
return errors.New("invalid {{ $type }}")
return e.UnmarshalText(buf)
// {{$type}}Field is a component that returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause that contains a
// comparison based on its field and a strongly typed value.
type {{$type}}Field string
// Equals returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) Equals(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompEqual,
Value: v,
// GreaterThan returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) GreaterThan(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompGreater,
Value: v,
// LessThan returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) LessThan(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompEqual,
Value: v,
// GreaterOrEqual returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) GreaterOrEqual(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompGTE,
Value: v,
// LessOrEqual returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) LessOrEqual(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompLTE,
Value: v,
// NotEqual returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) NotEqual(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompNE,
Value: v,
// In returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) In(vals []{{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
values := make([]interface{}, len(vals))
for x := range vals {
values[x] = vals[x]
return {{$rootPkg}}.InClause{
Field: string(f),
Vals: values,