Initial commit
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 803 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
// Code generated by gnorm, DO NOT EDIT!
package {{.Params.RootPkg}}
import (
// DB is the common interface for database operations.
// This should work with database/sql.DB and database/sql.Tx.
type DB interface {
Exec(string, ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
Query(string, ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryRow(string, ...interface{}) *sql.Row
// Bytes is an wrapper for []byte for storing bytes in postgres
type Bytes []byte
// Value implements the driver Valuer interface.
func (b Bytes) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return []byte(b), nil
// Scan implements the Scanner interface.
func (b *Bytes) Scan(value interface{}) error {
bytes, ok := value.([]byte)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Type assertion .([]byte) failed")
*b = Bytes(bytes)
return nil
// NullBytes is an wrapper for []byte for storing bytes in postgres
type NullBytes struct {
Bytes []byte
Valid bool
// Value implements the driver Valuer interface.
func (nb NullBytes) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if !nb.Valid {
return nil, nil
return nb.Bytes, nil
// Scan implements the Scanner interface.
func (nb *NullBytes) Scan(value interface{}) error {
if value == nil {
nb.Bytes, nb.Valid = []byte(""), false
return nil
nb.Valid = true
var ok bool
nb.Bytes, ok = value.([]byte)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Type assertion .([]byte) failed")
return nil
// Jsonb is a wrapper for map[string]interface{} for storing json into postgres
type Jsonb map[string]interface{}
// Value marshals the json into the database
func (j Jsonb) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return json.Marshal(j)
// Scan Unmarshalls the bytes[] back into a Jsonb object
func (j *Jsonb) Scan(src interface{}) error {
source, ok := src.([]byte)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Type assertion .([]byte) failed")
var i interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(source, &i)
if err != nil {
return err
if i == nil {
return nil
*j, ok = i.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return errors.New("reading from DB into Jsonb, failed to convert to map[string]interface{}")
return nil
// UnOrdered is a convenience value to make it clear you're not sorting a query.
var UnOrdered = OrderBy{}
// OrderByDesc returns a sort order descending by the given field.
func OrderByDesc(field string) OrderBy {
return OrderBy{
Field: field,
Order: OrderDesc,
// OrderByAsc returns a sort order ascending by the given field.
func OrderByAsc(field string) OrderBy {
return OrderBy{
Field: field,
Order: OrderAsc,
// OrderBy indicates how rows should be sorted.
type OrderBy struct {
Field string
Order SortOrder
func (o OrderBy) String() string {
if o.Order == OrderNone {
return ""
return " ORDER BY " + o.Field + " " + o.Order.String() + " "
// SortOrder defines how to order rows returned.
type SortOrder int
// Defined sort orders for not sorted, descending and ascending.
const (
OrderNone SortOrder = iota
// String returns the sql string representation of this sort order.
func (s SortOrder) String() string {
switch s {
case OrderDesc:
return "DESC"
case OrderAsc:
return "ASC"
return ""
// WhereClause has a String function should return a properly formatted where
// clause (not including the WHERE) for positional arguments starting at idx.
type WhereClause interface {
String(idx *int) string
Values() []interface{}
// Comparison is used by WhereClauses to create valid sql.
type Comparison string
// Comparison types.
const (
CompEqual Comparison = " = "
CompGreater Comparison = " > "
CompLess Comparison = " < "
CompGTE Comparison = " >= "
CompLTE Comparison = " <= "
CompNE Comparison = " <> "
type Where struct {
Field string
Comp Comparison
Value interface{}
func (w Where) String(idx *int) string {
ret := w.Field + string(w.Comp) + "$" + strconv.Itoa(*idx)
return ret
func (w Where) Values() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{w.Value}
// NullClause is a clause that checks for a column being null or not.
type NullClause struct {
Field string
Null bool
func (n NullClause) String(idx *int) string {
if n.Null {
return n.Field + " IS NULL "
return n.Field + " IS NOT NULL "
func (n NullClause) Values() []interface{} {
return []interface{}{}
// AndClause returns a WhereClause that serializes to the AND
// of all the given where clauses.
func AndClause(wheres ...WhereClause) WhereClause {
return andClause(wheres)
type andClause []WhereClause
func (a andClause) String(idx *int) string {
wheres := make([]string, len(a))
for x := 0; x < len(a); x++ {
wheres[x] = a[x].String(idx)
return strings.Join(wheres, " AND ")
func (a andClause) Values() []interface{} {
vals := make([]interface{}, 0, len(a))
for x := 0; x < len(a); x++ {
vals = append(vals, a[x].Values()...)
return vals
// OrClause returns a WhereClause that serializes to the OR
// of all the given where clauses.
func OrClause(wheres ...WhereClause) WhereClause {
return orClause(wheres)
type orClause []WhereClause
func (o orClause) String(idx *int) string {
wheres := make([]string, len(o))
for x := 0; x < len(wheres); x++ {
wheres[x] = o[x].String(idx)
return strings.Join(wheres, " OR ")
func (o orClause) Values() []interface{} {
vals := make([]interface{}, len(o))
for x := 0; x < len(o); x++ {
vals = append(vals, o[x].Values()...)
return vals
// InClause takes a slice of values that it matches against.
type InClause struct {
Field string
Vals []interface{}
func (in InClause) String(idx *int) string {
ret := in.Field + " in ("
for x := range in.Vals {
if x != 0 {
ret += ", "
ret += "$" + strconv.Itoa(*idx)
ret += ")"
return ret
func (in InClause) Values() []interface{} {
return in.Vals
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Package postgres contains autogenerated code for postgres databases.
// They are a couple of special paths in this directory:
// * /_templates contains the gnorm templates for generations
// * /gnorm.toml holds the gnorm configuration
// * /migrations contains the logic to migrate the database
// * /doc.go (this file) contains some instructions about this package
// All query and row definitions are autogenerated from the database, and
// converted into static code. This eliminates the need for an ORM, makes
// requests very fast and eliminates the possibilities of typos, syntax
// errors, SQL injections and therefore runtime problems with the database.
// If you need to update the database logic however, this can be a little
// tricky. As this approach takes the DB as the source of truth, start with
// writing the up- and down migration (migrations can be found in the
// assets/migrations/ dir).
// apply the migrations and run `gnorm gen` in this package, this will
// update all database related code. If there are compile time errors, the
// changes were incompatible with the codebase and you need to adjust the
// code a little (usually this is just a matter of minutes).
package postgres
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// Code generated by gnorm, DO NOT EDIT!
package enum
import "{{.Params.RootImport}}"
{{$rootPkg := .Params.RootPkg}}
{{- $type := .Enum.Name -}}
// {{ $type }} is the '{{ .Enum.DBName }}' enum type from schema '{{ .Enum.Schema.Name }}'.
type {{ $type }} uint16
const (
// Unknown{{$type}} defines an invalid {{$type}}.
Unknown{{$type}} {{$type}} = 0
{{- range .Enum.Values }}
{{ .Name }}{{ $type }} {{$type}} = {{ .Value }}
{{ end -}}
// String returns the string value of the {{ $type }}.
func (e {{ $type }}) String() string {
switch e {
{{- range .Enum.Values }}
case {{ .Name }}{{ $type }}:
return "{{ .DBName }}"
{{- end }}
return "Unknown{{$type}}"
// MarshalText marshals {{ $type }} into text.
func (e {{ $type }}) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(e.String()), nil
// UnmarshalText unmarshals {{ $type }} from text.
func (e *{{ $type }}) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
val, err := Parse{{$type}}(string(text))
if err != nil {
return err
*e = val
return nil
// Parse{{$type}} converts s into a {{$type}} if it is a valid
// stringified value of {{$type}}.
func Parse{{$type}}(s string) ({{$type}}, error) {
switch s {
{{- range .Enum.Values }}
case "{{ .DBName }}":
return {{ .Name }}{{ $type }}, nil
{{- end }}
return Unknown{{$type}}, errors.New("invalid {{ $type }}")
// Value satisfies the sql/driver.Valuer interface for {{ $type }}.
func (e {{ $type }}) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return e.String(), nil
// Scan satisfies the database/sql.Scanner interface for {{ $type }}.
func (e *{{ $type }}) Scan(src interface{}) error {
buf, ok := src.([]byte)
if !ok {
return errors.New("invalid {{ $type }}")
return e.UnmarshalText(buf)
// {{$type}}Field is a component that returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause that contains a
// comparison based on its field and a strongly typed value.
type {{$type}}Field string
// Equals returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) Equals(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompEqual,
Value: v,
// GreaterThan returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) GreaterThan(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompGreater,
Value: v,
// LessThan returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) LessThan(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompEqual,
Value: v,
// GreaterOrEqual returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) GreaterOrEqual(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompGTE,
Value: v,
// LessOrEqual returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) LessOrEqual(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompLTE,
Value: v,
// NotEqual returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) NotEqual(v {{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
return {{$rootPkg}}.Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: {{$rootPkg}}.CompNE,
Value: v,
// In returns a {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$type}}Field) In(vals []{{$type}}) {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause {
values := make([]interface{}, len(vals))
for x := range vals {
values[x] = vals[x]
return {{$rootPkg}}.InClause{
Field: string(f),
Vals: values,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
// Code generated by gnorm, DO NOT EDIT!
package {{.Params.RootPkg}}
import (
uuid ""
{{ range (makeSlice "Bytes" "Jsonb" "int" "string" "sql.NullString" "int64" "sql.NullInt64" "float64" "sql.NullFloat64" "bool" "sql.NullBool" "time.Time" "pq.NullTime" "uint32" "uuid.UUID" "uuid.NullUUID" "hstore.Hstore") }}
{{ $fieldName := title (replace . "." "" 1) }}
// {{$fieldName}}Field is a component that returns a WhereClause that contains a
// comparison based on its field and a strongly typed value.
type {{$fieldName}}Field string
// Equals returns a WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) Equals(v {{.}}) WhereClause {
return Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: CompEqual,
Value: v,
// GreaterThan returns a WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) GreaterThan(v {{.}}) WhereClause {
return Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: CompGreater,
Value: v,
// LessThan returns a WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) LessThan(v {{.}}) WhereClause {
return Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: CompLess,
Value: v,
// GreaterOrEqual returns a WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) GreaterOrEqual(v {{.}}) WhereClause {
return Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: CompGTE,
Value: v,
// LessOrEqual returns a WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) LessOrEqual(v {{.}}) WhereClause {
return Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: CompLTE,
Value: v,
// NotEqual returns a WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) NotEqual(v {{.}}) WhereClause {
return Where{
Field: string(f),
Comp: CompNE,
Value: v,
// In returns a WhereClause for this field.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) In(vals []{{.}}) WhereClause {
values := make([]interface{}, len(vals))
for x := range vals {
values[x] = vals[x]
return InClause{
Field: string(f),
Vals: values,
{{ range (makeSlice "Jsonb" "sql.NullString" "sql.NullInt64" "sql.NullFloat64" "sql.NullBool" "pq.NullTime" "uuid.NullUUID") }}
{{ $fieldName := title (replace . "." "" 1) }}
// IsNull returns a WhereClause that matches when this field is NULL.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) IsNull() WhereClause {
return NullClause{
Field: string(f),
Null: true,
// IsNotNull returns a WhereClause that matches when this field is not NULL.
func (f {{$fieldName}}Field) IsNotNull() WhereClause {
return NullClause{
Field: string(f),
Null: false,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
DBType = "postgres"
# ConnStr is the connection string for the database where the schema is
# generated from
ConnStr = "dbname=postgres host= sslmode=disable user=postgres password=postgres"
Schemas = ["public"]
ExcludeTables = ["schema_migrations"]
# Run this command after generation, to lint the generated files
PostRun = ["goimports", "-w", "$GNORMFILE"]
# PascalCase should be used for our go database
NameConversion = "{{pascal .}}"
# Generate in the current directory. If this is changed, the RootPkg
# below should match the folder name.
OutputDir = "."
# RootPkg is the package declaration for the output dir. It should match the
# directory name above.
RootPkg = "postgres"
# RootImport is the import path for the output directory.
RootImport = ""
"fields.go" = "_templates/fields.gotmpl"
"db.go" = "_templates/db.gotmpl"
"{{toLower .Table}}/{{toLower .Table}}.go" = "_templates/table.gotmpl"
"enum/{{toLower .Enum}}.go" = "_templates/enum.gotmpl"
"timestamp with time zone" = "time.Time"
"timestamp without time zone" = "time.Time"
"timestamptz" = "time.Time"
"timestamp" = "time.Time"
"varchar" = "string"
"text" = "string"
"citext" = "string"
"boolean" = "bool"
"uuid" = "uuid.UUID" # from ""
"character varying" = "string"
"character" = "string"
"bigserial" = "int64"
"bigint" = "int64"
"integer" = "int"
"int4" = "int32"
"numeric" = "float64"
"real" = "float64"
"hstore" = "hstore.Hstore" # from ""
"jsonb" = "postgres.Jsonb" # package name here has to be kept in sync with RootPkg.
"bytea" = "postgres.Bytes"
# needs to be kept in sync with the enum template's package name
"rank" = "enum.Rank"
"timestamp with time zone" = "pq.NullTime"
"timestamptz" = "pq.NullTime"
"timestamp" = "pq.NullTime"
"text" = "sql.NullString"
"citext" = "sql.NullString"
"varchar" = "sql.NullString"
"public.citext" = "sql.NullString"
"boolean" = "sql.NullBool"
"uuid" = "uuid.NullUUID"
"character varying" = "sql.NullString"
"character" = "sql.NullString"
"integer" = "sql.NullInt64"
"bigint" = "sql.NullInt64"
"numeric" = "sql.NullFloat64"
"real" = "sql.NullFloat64"
"hstore" = "hstore.Hstore"
"jsonb" = "postgres.Jsonb" # package name here has to be kept in sync with RootPkg.
"bytea" = "postgres.NullBytes"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
// Code generated by gnorm, DO NOT EDIT!
package {{toLower .Table.Name}}
import (
{{$rootPkg := .Params.RootPkg -}}
{{$table := .Table.DBName -}}
{{$schema := .Table.Schema.DBName -}}
// Row represents a row from '{{ $table }}'.
type Row struct {
{{- range .Table.Columns }}
{{ .Name }} {{ .Type }} // {{ .DBName }}{{if .IsPrimaryKey}} (PK){{end}}
{{- end }}
// Field values for every column in {{.Table.Name}}.
var (
{{- range .Table.Columns }}
{{- if or (hasPrefix .Type (printf "%s." $rootPkg)) (hasPrefix .Type "enum.")}}
{{.Name}}Col {{ .Type }}Field = "{{ .DBName }}"
{{- else}}
{{.Name}}Col {{$rootPkg}}.{{ title (replace .Type "." "" 1) }}Field = "{{ .DBName }}"
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
// Query retrieves rows from '{{ $table }}' as a slice of Row.
func Query(db {{$rootPkg}}.DB, where {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause) ([]*Row, error) {
const origsqlstr = `SELECT
{{ join .Table.Columns.DBNames ", " }}
FROM {{$schema}}.{{ $table }} WHERE (`
idx := 1
sqlstr := origsqlstr + where.String(&idx) + ") "
var vals []*Row
q, err := db.Query(sqlstr, where.Values()...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for q.Next() {
r := Row{}
err := q.Scan( {{ join (.Table.Columns.Names.Sprintf "&r.%s") ", " }} )
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vals = append(vals, &r)
return vals, nil
// One retrieve one row from '{{ $table }}'.
func One(db {{$rootPkg}}.DB, where {{$rootPkg}}.WhereClause) (*Row, error) {
const origsqlstr = `SELECT
{{ join .Table.Columns.DBNames ", " }}
FROM {{$schema}}.{{ $table }} WHERE (`
idx := 1
sqlstr := origsqlstr + where.String(&idx) + ") "
row := db.QueryRow(sqlstr, where.Values()...)
r := Row{}
err := row.Scan({{ join (.Table.Columns.Names.Sprintf "&r.%s") ", " }} )
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
{{- define "values" -}}
{{$nums := numbers 1 . -}}
{{$indices := $nums.Sprintf "$%s" -}}
{{join $indices ", " -}}
// Insert inserts the row into the database, returning the autogenerated
// primary keys. If the primary keys cannot be autogenerated, please use
// InsertExact instead.
func Insert(db {{$rootPkg}}.DB, r *Row) error {
const sqlstr = `INSERT INTO {{ $table }} (
{{ join (.Table.Columns.DBNames.Except .Table.PrimaryKeys.DBNames) ", " }}
{{template "values" (len (.Table.Columns.Names.Except .Table.PrimaryKeys.Names)) }}
) RETURNING {{join (.Table.PrimaryKeys.DBNames.Sprintf "%s") ", "}}`
err := db.QueryRow(sqlstr, {{join ((.Table.Columns.Names.Except .Table.PrimaryKeys.Names).Sprintf "r.%s") ", "}}).Scan({{join (.Table.PrimaryKeys.Names.Sprintf "&r.%s") ", "}})
return errors.Wrap(err, "insert {{.Table.Name}}")
// InsertExact works like Insert, but lets you specify the primary keys.
// For most cases you should consider using Insert.
func InsertExact(db {{$rootPkg}}.DB, r *Row) error {
const sqlstr = `INSERT INTO {{ $table }} (
{{ join .Table.Columns.DBNames ", " }}
{{template "values" (len .Table.Columns) }}
_, err := db.Exec(sqlstr, {{join (.Table.Columns.Names.Sprintf "r.%s") ", "}})
return errors.Wrap(err, "insert {{.Table.Name}}")
{{- if .Table.HasPrimaryKey }}
{{- if gt (len .Table.Columns) (len .Table.PrimaryKeys) }}
{{- $nonPKFields := join ((.Table.Columns.Names.Except .Table.PrimaryKeys.Names).Sprintf "r.%s") ", "}}
{{- $PKFields := join (.Table.PrimaryKeys.Names.Sprintf "r.%s") ", "}}
{{- $nonPKNames := .Table.Columns.DBNames.Except .Table.PrimaryKeys.DBNames}}
{{- $numNonPKs := sub (len .Table.Columns) (len .Table.PrimaryKeys)}}
{{- $updateCols := join (.Table.Columns.DBNames.Except .Table.PrimaryKeys.DBNames) ", " }}
// Update updates the Row in the database.
func Update(db {{$rootPkg}}.DB, r *Row) error {
const sqlstr = `UPDATE {{ $table }} SET (
) = (
{{ template "values" $numNonPKs }}
{{- $PKnums := numbers (inc $numNonPKs) (len .Table.Columns)}}
{{join .Table.PrimaryKeys.DBNames ", "}} = {{ join ($PKnums.Sprintf "$%s") ", " }}
_, err := db.Exec(sqlstr, {{$nonPKFields}}, {{$PKFields}})
return errors.Wrap(err, "update {{.Table.Name}}:")
// Upsert performs an upsert for {{ .Table.Name }}.
// NOTE: PostgreSQL 9.5+ only
func Upsert(db {{$rootPkg}}.DB, r *Row) error {
const sqlstr = `INSERT INTO {{ $table }} (
{{$updateCols}}, {{join .Table.PrimaryKeys.DBNames ", "}}
{{template "values" (len .Table.Columns) }}
) ON CONFLICT ({{join .Table.PrimaryKeys.DBNames ", " }}) DO UPDATE SET (
) = (
{{ template "values" $numNonPKs }}
_, err := db.Exec(sqlstr, {{$nonPKFields}}, {{$PKFields}})
return errors.Wrap(err, "upsert {{.Table.Name}}")
{{ else }}
// Update statements omitted due to lack of primary key or lack of updateable fields
{{ end }}
// Delete deletes the Row from the database.
func Delete(
db {{$rootPkg}}.DB,
{{- range .Table.PrimaryKeys}}
{{camel .DBName}} {{.Type}},
{{end -}}
) error {
const sqlstr = `DELETE FROM {{ $table }} WHERE {{join .Table.PrimaryKeys.DBNames ", "}} = {{template "values" (len .Table.PrimaryKeys)}}`
_, err := db.Exec(
{{- range .Table.PrimaryKeys}}
{{camel .DBName}},
{{end -}}
return errors.Wrap(err, "delete {{.Table.Name}}")
{{- end }}
Add table
Reference in a new issue