pre double pipeline commit. The following will attempt to add another rendering stage for textured cuboids.

This commit is contained in:
zomseffen 2024-09-09 19:23:09 +02:00
parent 31d56ded3f
commit c5bcd148ca
22 changed files with 854 additions and 53 deletions

41 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
use std::process::Command;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::Path;
fn main() {
// probably need to check the os and have different versions
let mut command = Command::new("./shaders/compile.bat");
let output = command.output().expect("Failed to execute command");
println!("status: {}", output.status);

View file

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/shader.vert -o shaders/vert.spv C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/cube.vert -o shaders/vert_cube.spv
C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/shader.frag -o shaders/frag.spv C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/cube.frag -o shaders/frag_cube.spv
C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/shader.geom -o shaders/geo.spv C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/cube.geom -o shaders/geo_cube.spv
C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/cuboid.vert -o shaders/vert_cuboid.spv
C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/cuboid.frag -o shaders/frag_cuboid.spv
C:/VulkanSDK/ shaders/cuboid.geom -o shaders/geo_cuboid.spv

shaders/cuboid.frag Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#version 450
layout(location = 0) in vec3 fragColor;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 fragTexCoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 outColor;
layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D texSampler;
void main() {
outColor = vec4(fragColor, 1); //texture(texSampler, fragTexCoord);

shaders/cuboid.geom Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
#version 450
layout(points) in;
layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices=12) out;
layout(binding = 0) uniform UniformBufferObject {
mat4 model;
mat4 geom_rot;
mat4 view;
mat4 proj;
bool[16] use_geom_shader;
} ubo;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 geoColor[];
layout(location = 1) in vec2 geoTexCoord[];
layout(location = 2) in vec3 geoSize[];
layout(location = 0) out vec3 fragColor;
layout(location = 1) out vec2 fragTexCoord;
bool ignore_scalars = false;
void main () {
mat4 geom_rotation = ubo.geom_rot;
vec4 normal_back = geom_rotation * vec4(0, 0, -1, 0);
float scalar_back = dot(normal_back, vec4(1, 0, 0, 0));
if (scalar_back <= 0 || ignore_scalars){
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
vec4 normal_front = geom_rotation * vec4(0, 0, 1, 0);
float scalar_front = dot(normal_front, vec4(1, 0, 0, 0));
if (scalar_front <= 0 || ignore_scalars) {
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
vec4 normal_up = geom_rotation * vec4(0, 1, 0, 0);
float scalar_up = dot(normal_up, vec4(1, 0, 0, 0));
if (scalar_up <= 0 || ignore_scalars) {
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
vec4 normal_down = geom_rotation * vec4(0, -1, 0, 0);
float scalar_down = dot(normal_down, vec4(1, 0, 0, 0));
if (scalar_down <= 0 || ignore_scalars) {
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
vec4 normal_left = geom_rotation * vec4(-1, 0, 0, 0);
float scalar_left = dot(normal_left, vec4(1, 0, 0, 0));
if (scalar_left <= 0 || ignore_scalars) {
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(-geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
vec4 normal_right = geom_rotation * vec4(1, 0, 0, 0);
float scalar_right = dot(normal_right, vec4(1, 0, 0, 0));
if (scalar_right <= 0 || ignore_scalars) {
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, -geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * (gl_in[0].gl_Position + geom_rotation * vec4(geoSize[0].x, geoSize[0].y, -geoSize[0].z, 0));
fragColor = geoColor[0];
fragTexCoord = geoTexCoord[0];

shaders/cuboid.vert Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#version 450
layout(binding = 0) uniform UniformBufferObject {
mat4 model;
mat4 geom_rot;
mat4 view;
mat4 proj;
bool[16] use_geom_shader;
} ubo;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 inPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 inColor;
layout(location = 2) in vec2 inTexCoord;
layout(location = 3) in vec3 inSize;
layout(location = 0) out vec3 geoColor;
layout(location = 1) out vec2 geoTexCoord;
layout(location = 2) out vec3 geoSize;
void main() {
if (ubo.use_geom_shader[0]) {
gl_Position = ubo.geom_rot * ubo.model * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);
} else {
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * ubo.geom_rot * ubo.model * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);
geoColor = inColor;
geoTexCoord = inTexCoord;
geoSize = inSize;

shaders/frag_cuboid.spv Normal file

Binary file not shown.

shaders/geo_cuboid.spv Normal file

Binary file not shown.

shaders/vert_cuboid.spv Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -642,9 +642,9 @@ unsafe fn create_logical_device(
} }
unsafe fn create_pipeline(device: &Device, data: &mut app_data::AppData) -> Result<()> { unsafe fn create_pipeline(device: &Device, data: &mut app_data::AppData) -> Result<()> {
let vert = include_bytes!("../shaders/vert.spv"); let vert = include_bytes!("../shaders/vert_cube.spv");
let geo = include_bytes!("../shaders/geo.spv"); let geo = include_bytes!("../shaders/geo_cube.spv");
let frag = include_bytes!("../shaders/frag.spv"); let frag = include_bytes!("../shaders/frag_cube.spv");
let vert_shader_module = create_shader_module(device, &vert[..])?; let vert_shader_module = create_shader_module(device, &vert[..])?;
let geo_shader_module = create_shader_module(device, &geo[..])?; let geo_shader_module = create_shader_module(device, &geo[..])?;

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
pub mod cube;

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ use vulkanalia::prelude::v1_0::*;
use cgmath::vec3; use cgmath::vec3;
use crate::vertex; use crate::vertex;
use crate::scene::Scene; use crate::scene::Scene;
use crate::primitives::drawable::Drawable;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Cube{ pub struct Cube{
@ -10,8 +11,8 @@ pub struct Cube{
pub tex_coord: vertex::Vec2 pub tex_coord: vertex::Vec2
} }
impl Cube { impl Drawable for Cube {
pub fn draw(& self, topology: &vk::PrimitiveTopology, start_index: usize, scene: &mut Scene) { fn draw(& self, topology: &vk::PrimitiveTopology, start_index: usize, scene: &mut Scene) {
if *topology == vk::PrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_LIST { if *topology == vk::PrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_LIST {
// 0 top left far // 0 top left far
scene.vertices.push(vertex::Vertex::new( scene.vertices.push(vertex::Vertex::new(

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
use vulkanalia::prelude::v1_0::*;
use crate::scene::Scene;
pub trait Drawable {
fn draw(& self, topology: &vk::PrimitiveTopology, start_index: usize, scene: &mut Scene);

src/primitives/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
pub mod cube;
pub mod rec_cuboid;
pub mod drawable;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
use vulkanalia::prelude::v1_0::*;
use cgmath::vec3;
use crate::vertex;
use crate::scene::Scene;
use crate::primitives::drawable::Drawable;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Cuboid{
pub pos: vertex::Vec3,
pub color: vertex::Vec3,
pub tex_coord: vertex::Vec2,
pub size: vertex::Vec3,
impl Drawable for Cuboid {
fn draw(& self, topology: &vk::PrimitiveTopology, start_index: usize, scene: &mut Scene) {
if *topology == vk::PrimitiveTopology::TRIANGLE_LIST {
// 0 top left far
vec3(self.pos.x as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.x, self.pos.y as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.y, self.pos.z as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.z),
// 1 top right far
vec3(self.pos.x as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.x, self.pos.y as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.y, self.pos.z as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.z),
// 2 top left near
vec3(self.pos.x as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.x, self.pos.y as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.y, self.pos.z as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.z),
// 3 top right near
vec3(self.pos.x as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.x, self.pos.y as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.y, self.pos.z as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.z),
// 4 bottom left far
vec3(self.pos.x as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.x, self.pos.y as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.y, self.pos.z as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.z),
// 5 bottom right far
vec3(self.pos.x as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.x, self.pos.y as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.y, self.pos.z as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.z),
// 6 bottom left near
vec3(self.pos.x as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.x, self.pos.y as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.y, self.pos.z as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.z),
// 7 bottom right near
vec3(self.pos.x as f32 + 0.5 * self.size.x, self.pos.y as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.y, self.pos.z as f32 - 0.5 * self.size.z),
// top
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 3);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 0);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 2);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 3);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 1);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 0);
// bottom
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 6);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 4);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 7);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 4);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 5);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 7);
// left
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 0);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 4);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 2);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 6);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 2);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 4);
// right
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 1);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 3);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 5);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 5);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 3);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 7);
// near
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 6);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 3);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 2);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 3);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 6);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 7);
// far
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 0);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 1);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 4);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 5);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 4);
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32 + 1);
if *topology == vk::PrimitiveTopology::POINT_LIST {
scene.indices.push(start_index as u32);

View file

@ -1,24 +1,33 @@
use anyhow::Ok;
use vulkanalia::prelude::v1_0::*; use vulkanalia::prelude::v1_0::*;
use anyhow::Result; use anyhow::Result;
use cgmath::{vec2, vec3}; use cgmath::{vec2, vec3, Vector3};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use crate::app_data::AppData; use crate::app_data::AppData;
use crate::buffer; use crate::buffer;
use crate::primitives::rec_cuboid::Cuboid;
use crate::vertex; use crate::vertex;
use crate::primitives::cube::Cube; use crate::primitives::cube::Cube;
use crate::primitives::drawable::Drawable;
extern crate rand; extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng; use rand::Rng;
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 500; const CHUNK_SIZE_EXPONENT: u32 = 10;
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = (2 as usize).pow(CHUNK_SIZE_EXPONENT);
const MAX_TREE_DEPTH: usize = 8;
const MIN_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = CHUNK_SIZE / (2 as usize).pow(MAX_TREE_DEPTH as u32);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Scene { pub struct Scene {
pub vertices: Vec<vertex::Vertex>, pub vertices: Vec<vertex::Vertex>,
pub sized_vertices: Vec<vertex::SizedVertex>,
pub indices: Vec<u32>, pub indices: Vec<u32>,
pub vertex_buffer: vk::Buffer, pub vertex_buffer: vk::Buffer,
@ -34,7 +43,7 @@ impl Scene {
let grid_size = CHUNK_SIZE as i32; let grid_size = CHUNK_SIZE as i32;
// todo store the chunks somewhere (or only use them as intermediary for neighbouthood calculation idc) // todo store the chunks somewhere (or only use them as intermediary for neighbouthood calculation idc)
let mut chunks = vec![Chunk::create()?]; let mut oct_tree = OctTree::create(CHUNK_SIZE)?;
//todo use the 14 vertice box method. Not using geometry shaders seems to be faster... make this a setting? //todo use the 14 vertice box method. Not using geometry shaders seems to be faster... make this a setting?
// have cube elements with a method asking for vertices, while giving a primitive type -> method for preferred primitive type as well as one collecting all primitives // have cube elements with a method asking for vertices, while giving a primitive type -> method for preferred primitive type as well as one collecting all primitives
@ -46,17 +55,25 @@ impl Scene {
color: vec3(shade, 1.0, shade), color: vec3(shade, 1.0, shade),
tex_coord: vec2(0.0, 0.0) tex_coord: vec2(0.0, 0.0)
}; };
} }
} }
let chunk = &chunks[0]; let oct_tree_iter = OctTreeIter::create(&oct_tree)?;
let chunk_iter = ChunkIter::create(chunk)?; for item in oct_tree_iter {
for item in chunk_iter {
let index = self.vertices.len(); let index = self.vertices.len();
match item { match item {
Some(cube) => { Some(cube) => {
/*let cuboid = Cuboid {
pos: cube.pos,
color: cube.color,
tex_coord: cube.tex_coord,
size: Vector3 {x: 1.0, y: 1.0, z: 1.0},
cuboid.draw(&data.topology, index, self);*/
cube.draw(&data.topology, index, self); cube.draw(&data.topology, index, self);
} }
None => {} None => {}
} }
@ -79,16 +96,47 @@ impl Scene {
} }
#[derive(Clone, Debug)] #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Chunk { struct OctTree {
//todo change to hashmap? pub child_XYZ: Option<Rc<RefCell<Self>>>,
blocks: HashMap<cgmath::Vector3<u32>, Cube, rustc_hash::FxBuildHasher>, pub child_xYZ: Option<Rc<RefCell<Self>>>,
pub child_xyZ: Option<Rc<RefCell<Self>>>,
pub child_XyZ: Option<Rc<RefCell<Self>>>,
pub child_XYz: Option<Rc<RefCell<Self>>>,
pub child_xYz: Option<Rc<RefCell<Self>>>,
pub child_xyz: Option<Rc<RefCell<Self>>>,
pub child_Xyz: Option<Rc<RefCell<Self>>>,
pub blocks: Vec<Option<Cube>>,
size: usize,
} }
impl Chunk { impl OctTree {
pub fn create() -> Result<Self> { pub fn create(size: usize) -> Result<Self> {
let mut map: HashMap<cgmath::Vector3<u32>, Cube, rustc_hash::FxBuildHasher> = FxHashMap::default(); let mut blocks: Vec<Option<Cube>> = vec![];
if size == MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
for _ in 0..MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
for _ in 0..MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
for _ in 0..MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
Ok(Self { Ok(Self {
blocks: map child_XYZ: None,
child_xYZ: None,
child_xyZ: None,
child_XyZ: None,
child_XYz: None,
child_xYz: None,
child_xyz: None,
child_Xyz: None,
blocks: blocks,
}) })
} }
@ -96,62 +144,335 @@ impl Chunk {
let x = cube.pos.x as usize; let x = cube.pos.x as usize;
let y = cube.pos.y as usize; let y = cube.pos.y as usize;
let z = cube.pos.z as usize; let z = cube.pos.z as usize;
assert!(x < CHUNK_SIZE, "x value out of range!"); assert!(x < self.size, "x value out of range!");
assert!(y < CHUNK_SIZE, "y value out of range!"); assert!(y < self.size, "y value out of range!");
assert!(z < CHUNK_SIZE, "z value out of range!"); assert!(z < self.size, "z value out of range!");
self.blocks.insert(vec3(x as u32, y as u32, z as u32), cube); self.set_cube_internal(cube, x, y, z);
fn set_cube_internal(&mut self, cube: Cube, x: usize, y: usize, z: usize) {
if self.size > MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
let mid_point = self.size / 2;
if x >= mid_point {
if y >= mid_point {
if z >= mid_point {
match &self.child_XYZ {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().set_cube_internal(cube, x - mid_point, y - mid_point, z - mid_point);
None => {
let mut child = OctTree::create(self.size / 2).unwrap();
child.set_cube_internal(cube, x - mid_point, y - mid_point, z - mid_point);
self.child_XYZ = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(child)));
else {
match &self.child_XYz {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().set_cube_internal(cube, x - mid_point, y - mid_point, z);
None => {
let mut child = OctTree::create(self.size / 2).unwrap();
child.set_cube_internal(cube, x - mid_point, y - mid_point, z);
self.child_XYz = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(child)));
else {
if z >= mid_point {
match &self.child_XyZ {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().set_cube_internal(cube, x - mid_point, y, z - mid_point);
None => {
let mut child = OctTree::create(self.size / 2).unwrap();
child.set_cube_internal(cube, x - mid_point, y, z - mid_point);
self.child_XyZ = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(child)));
else {
match &self.child_Xyz {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().set_cube_internal(cube, x - mid_point, y, z);
None => {
let mut child = OctTree::create(self.size / 2).unwrap();
child.set_cube_internal(cube, x - mid_point, y, z);
self.child_Xyz = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(child)));
else {
if y >= mid_point {
if z >= mid_point {
match &self.child_xYZ {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().set_cube_internal(cube, x, y - mid_point, z - mid_point);
None => {
let mut child = OctTree::create(self.size / 2).unwrap();
child.set_cube_internal(cube, x, y - mid_point, z - mid_point);
self.child_xYZ = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(child)));
else {
match &self.child_xYz {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().set_cube_internal(cube, x, y - mid_point, z);
None => {
let mut child = OctTree::create(self.size / 2).unwrap();
child.set_cube_internal(cube, x, y - mid_point, z);
self.child_xYz = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(child)));
else {
if z >= mid_point {
match &self.child_xyZ {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().set_cube_internal(cube, x, y, z - mid_point);
None => {
let mut child = OctTree::create(self.size / 2).unwrap();
child.set_cube_internal(cube, x, y, z - mid_point);
self.child_xyZ = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(child)));
else {
match &self.child_xyz {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().set_cube_internal(cube, x, y, z);
None => {
let mut child = OctTree::create(self.size / 2).unwrap();
child.set_cube_internal(cube, x, y, z);
self.child_xyz = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(child)));
else {
self.blocks[z * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE + y * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE + x] = Some(cube);
} }
pub fn clear_cube(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, z: usize) { pub fn clear_cube(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, z: usize) {
assert!(x < CHUNK_SIZE, "x value out of range!"); assert!(x < self.size, "x value out of range!");
assert!(y < CHUNK_SIZE, "y value out of range!"); assert!(y < self.size, "y value out of range!");
assert!(z < CHUNK_SIZE, "z value out of range!"); assert!(z < self.size, "z value out of range!");
self.blocks.remove(&vec3(x as u32, y as u32, z as u32)); //self.blocks.remove(&vec3(x as u32, y as u32, z as u32));
self.clear_cube_internal(x, y, z)
} }
fn clear_cube_internal(&mut self, x: usize, y: usize, z: usize) {
if self.size > MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
let mid_point = self.size / 2;
if x >= mid_point {
if y >= mid_point {
if z >= mid_point {
match &self.child_XYZ {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().clear_cube_internal(x - mid_point, y - mid_point, z - mid_point);
None => {}
else {
match &self.child_XYz {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().clear_cube_internal(x - mid_point, y - mid_point, z);
None => {}
else {
if z >= mid_point {
match &self.child_XyZ {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().clear_cube_internal(x - mid_point, y, z - mid_point);
None => {}
else {
match &self.child_Xyz {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().clear_cube_internal(x - mid_point, y, z);
None => {}
else {
if y >= mid_point {
if z >= mid_point {
match &self.child_xYZ {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().clear_cube_internal(x, y - mid_point, z - mid_point);
None => {}
else {
match &self.child_xYz {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().clear_cube_internal(x, y - mid_point, z);
None => {}
else {
if z >= mid_point {
match &self.child_xyZ {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().clear_cube_internal(x, y, z - mid_point);
None => {}
else {
match &self.child_xyz {
Some(child) => {
child.borrow_mut().clear_cube_internal(x, y, z);
None => {}
else {
self.blocks[z * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE + y * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE + x] = None;
} }
struct ChunkIter<'a> { struct OctTreeIter<'a> {
iter_x: usize, iter_x: usize,
iter_y: usize, iter_y: usize,
iter_z: usize, iter_z: usize,
chunk: &'a Chunk todo: Vec<Rc<RefCell<OctTree>>>,
chunk: &'a OctTree
} }
impl<'a> ChunkIter<'a> { impl<'a> OctTreeIter<'a> {
pub fn create(chunk: &'a Chunk) -> Result<Self> { pub fn create(chunk: &'a OctTree) -> Result<Self> {
let mut out = Self {
Ok(Self {
iter_x: 0, iter_x: 0,
iter_y: 0, iter_y: 0,
iter_z: 0, iter_z: 0,
todo: vec![],
chunk chunk
}) };
fn add_todo(&mut self, oct_tree: &OctTree) {
match &oct_tree.child_XYZ {
Some(child) => {
None => {},
match &oct_tree.child_xYZ {
Some(child) => {
None => {},
match &oct_tree.child_xyZ {
Some(child) => {
None => {},
match &oct_tree.child_XyZ {
Some(child) => {
None => {},
match &oct_tree.child_XYz {
Some(child) => {
None => {},
match &oct_tree.child_xYz {
Some(child) => {
None => {},
match &oct_tree.child_xyz {
Some(child) => {
None => {},
match &oct_tree.child_Xyz {
Some(child) => {
None => {},
} }
} }
impl<'a> Iterator for ChunkIter<'a> { impl<'a> Iterator for OctTreeIter<'a> {
type Item = Option<&'a Cube>; type Item = Option<Cube>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> { fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.iter_x < CHUNK_SIZE && self.iter_y < CHUNK_SIZE && self.iter_z < CHUNK_SIZE { if self.todo.len() != 0 {
let result = self.chunk.blocks.get(&vec3(self.iter_x as u32, self.iter_y as u32, self.iter_z as u32)); while self.todo.last().unwrap().borrow().blocks.len() == 0 {
let oct_tree = self.todo.pop().unwrap();
if self.iter_x < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE && self.iter_y < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE && self.iter_z < MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
let result = self.todo.last().unwrap().borrow().blocks[self.iter_x + self.iter_y * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE + self.iter_z * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE * MIN_CHUNK_SIZE].clone();
self.iter_x += 1; self.iter_x += 1;
if self.iter_x >= CHUNK_SIZE { if self.iter_x >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
self.iter_x = 0; self.iter_x = 0;
self.iter_y += 1; self.iter_y += 1;
} }
if self.iter_y >= CHUNK_SIZE { if self.iter_y >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
self.iter_y = 0; self.iter_y = 0;
self.iter_z += 1; self.iter_z += 1;
} }
return Some(result.clone())
} if self.iter_z == MIN_CHUNK_SIZE {
self.iter_x = 0; self.iter_x = 0;
self.iter_y = 0; self.iter_y = 0;
self.iter_z = 0; self.iter_z = 0;
return Some(result)
self.iter_x = 0;
self.iter_y = 0;
self.iter_z = 0;
None None
} }
} }

View file

@ -77,3 +77,74 @@ impl Hash for Vertex {
self.tex_coord[1].to_bits().hash(state); self.tex_coord[1].to_bits().hash(state);
} }
} }
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SizedVertex {
pub pos: Vec3,
pub color: Vec3,
pub tex_coord: Vec2,
pub size: Vec3,
impl SizedVertex {
pub const fn new(pos: Vec3, color: Vec3, tex_coord: Vec2, size: Vec3) -> Self {
Self { pos, color, tex_coord, size }
pub fn binding_description() -> vk::VertexInputBindingDescription {
.stride(size_of::<Vertex>() as u32)
pub fn attribute_descriptions() -> [vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription; 3] {
let pos = vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription::builder()
let color = vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription::builder()
.offset(size_of::<Vec3>() as u32)
let tex_coord = vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription::builder()
.offset((size_of::<Vec3>() + size_of::<Vec3>()) as u32)
[pos, color, tex_coord]
impl PartialEq for SizedVertex {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.pos == other.pos
&& self.color == other.color
&& self.tex_coord == other.tex_coord
impl Eq for SizedVertex {}
impl Hash for SizedVertex {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {