emacs: Freshen up init.el

This commit is contained in:
madmaurice 2020-12-26 13:04:45 +01:00
parent b0aea325c1
commit d9ed9d56fa

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(require 'package) (require 'package)
(package-initialize) (package-initialize)
(require 'cl)
(setq gc-cons-threshold (* 16 1024 1024)) (setq gc-cons-threshold (* 16 1024 1024))
(setq gc-cons-percentage 0.3) (setq gc-cons-percentage 0.3)
@ -73,8 +72,7 @@
;; Select correct terminal application ;; Select correct terminal application
(setq terminal-emulator (setq terminal-emulator
(find-if #'executable-find (seq-find #'executable-find (list "termite" "urxvt" "gnome-terminal" "xfce4-terminal")))
(list "termite" "urxvt" "gnome-terminal" "xfce4-terminal")))
;; Use cperl-mode instead of perl-mode ;; Use cperl-mode instead of perl-mode
(defalias 'perl-mode 'cperl-mode) (defalias 'perl-mode 'cperl-mode)
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@
;; Allow "/" for search in package-menu ;; Allow "/" for search in package-menu
(define-key package-menu-mode-map (kbd "/") 'swiper) (define-key package-menu-mode-map (kbd "/") 'swiper)
(push '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") package-archives) (push '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/") package-archives)
(custom-set-variables (custom-set-variables
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
@ -127,27 +125,26 @@
'(ansi-color-names-vector '(ansi-color-names-vector
["#242424" "#e5786d" "#95e454" "#cae682" "#8ac6f2" "#333366" "#ccaa8f" "#f6f3e8"]) ["#242424" "#e5786d" "#95e454" "#cae682" "#8ac6f2" "#333366" "#ccaa8f" "#f6f3e8"])
'(blink-cursor-mode nil) '(blink-cursor-mode nil)
'(c-offsets-alist (quote ((brace-list-open . 0) (brace-list-intro . +)))) '(c-offsets-alist '((brace-list-open . 0) (brace-list-intro . +)))
'(cperl-close-paren-offset -2) '(cperl-close-paren-offset -2)
'(cperl-electric-parens nil) '(cperl-electric-parens nil)
'(cperl-electric-parens-mark nil) '(cperl-electric-parens-mark nil)
'(cperl-indent-level 2) '(cperl-indent-level 2)
'(cperl-indent-parens-as-block t) '(cperl-indent-parens-as-block t)
'(cperl-under-as-char t) '(cperl-under-as-char t)
'(custom-enabled-themes (quote (heroku))) '(custom-enabled-themes '(heroku))
'(custom-safe-themes '(custom-safe-themes
(quote '("928ed6d4997ec3cdce10b65c59d0f966a61792a69b84c47155cb5578ce2972be" "2f4f50d98073c01038b518066840638455657dc91dd1a225286d573926f36914" "4f2ede02b3324c2f788f4e0bad77f7ebc1874eff7971d2a2c9b9724a50fb3f65" default))
("2f4f50d98073c01038b518066840638455657dc91dd1a225286d573926f36914" "4f2ede02b3324c2f788f4e0bad77f7ebc1874eff7971d2a2c9b9724a50fb3f65" default)))
'(dired-listing-switches "-Alh") '(dired-listing-switches "-Alh")
'(inhibit-startup-screen t) '(inhibit-startup-screen t)
'(package-selected-packages '(package-selected-packages
(quote '(undo-tree markdown-mode yaml-mode lua-mode php-mode evil-indent-plus company delight evil-org org-bullets counsel powerline-evil powerline origami projectile terminal-here swiper neotree ivy heroku-theme use-package yasnippet evil-surround org evil-magit magit makefile-runner evil)))
(markdown-mode yaml-mode lua-mode php-mode evil-indent-plus company delight evil-org org-bullets counsel powerline-evil powerline origami projectile terminal-here swiper neotree ivy heroku-theme use-package yasnippet evil-surround org evil-magit magit makefile-runner evil))))
(custom-set-faces (custom-set-faces
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(default ((t (:inherit nil :extend nil :stipple nil :background "#3f464c" :foreground "#eeeeec" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 110 :width normal :foundry "ADBO" :family "Source Code Pro"))))
'(company-preview ((t (:foreground "black")))) '(company-preview ((t (:foreground "black"))))
'(company-preview-common ((t (:inherit company-preview)))) '(company-preview-common ((t (:inherit company-preview))))
'(company-preview-search ((t (:inherit company-preview)))) '(company-preview-search ((t (:inherit company-preview))))