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import time
2022-08-12 15:48:30 +02:00
from typing import Tuple
from Objects.Cube.Cube import Cube
from Objects.World import World
import numpy as np
import random
class LabyrinthWorld(World):
randomBuffer = 0
batchsize = 1000
randomBuffer = max(4 * batchsize, randomBuffer)
def __init__(self, chunk_size_x: int, chunk_size_y: int, chunk_size_z: int,
chunk_n_x: int, chunk_n_y: int, chunk_n_z: int, programs: dict):
self.board_shape = (chunk_size_x * chunk_n_x, chunk_size_y * chunk_n_y)
self.board = np.zeros(self.board_shape)
super(LabyrinthWorld, self).__init__(chunk_size_x, chunk_size_y, chunk_size_z,
chunk_n_x, chunk_n_y, chunk_n_z, programs)
self.max_room_dim = 20
self.min_room_dim = 6
self.max_room_num = 32
self.max_corridors = 4 * self.max_room_num
self.max_crates = self.max_room_num
self.model = None
self.lastUpdate = time.time()
self.nextTrain = self.randomBuffer
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self.round = 1
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# self.evolve_timer = 10
self.evolve_timer = 1500
self.trailMix = np.zeros(self.board_shape)
self.grass = np.zeros(self.board_shape)
self.hunter_grass = np.zeros(self.board_shape)
self.subjectDict = {}
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self._hunters = None
self._herbivores = None
def hunters(self):
if self._hunters is None:
return []
return self._hunters.subjects
def herbivores(self):
if self._herbivores is None:
return []
return self._herbivores.subjects
def subjects(self):
return self.hunters + self.herbivores
def generate(self, seed: int = None, sea_plate_height: int = 50, continental_plate_height: int = 200):
board = np.zeros(self.board_shape)
# find random starting point
px = random.randint(self.max_room_dim, (self.board_shape[0] - 1) - self.max_room_dim)
py = random.randint(self.max_room_dim, (self.board_shape[1] - 1) - self.max_room_dim)
# 0, 0 is top left
right = (1, 0)
left = (-1, 0)
up = (0, -1)
down = (0, 1)
# place rooms
room_num = 0
corridor_num = 0
while room_num < self.max_room_num and corridor_num < self.max_corridors:
# try to place Room
w = random.randint(self.min_room_dim, self.max_room_dim)
h = random.randint(self.min_room_dim, self.max_room_dim)
can_place_room = np.sum(
board[px - int(w / 2.0):px + int(w / 2.0), py - int(h / 2.0):py + int(h / 2.0)] == 1) == 0 and px - int(
w / 2.0) >= 0 and px + int(w / 2.0) < self.board_shape[0] and \
py - int(h / 2.0) >= 0 and py + int(h / 2.0) < self.board_shape[1]
if can_place_room:
# place Room
board[px - int(w / 2.0):px + int(w / 2.0), py - int(h / 2.0):py + int(h / 2.0)] = 1
room_num += 1
# move && place Corridor
directions = []
while len(directions) == 0:
movable = []
corridor_length = random.randint(self.min_room_dim, self.max_room_dim)
if px - corridor_length >= 0:
if board[px - 1, py] != 2:
if px + corridor_length < self.board_shape[0]:
if board[px + 1, py] != 2:
if py - corridor_length >= 0:
if board[px, py - 1] != 2:
if py + corridor_length < self.board_shape[1]:
if board[px, py + 1] != 2:
if len(directions) != 0:
if len(directions) > 1:
d = directions[random.randint(0, len(directions) - 1)]
d = directions[0]
changed = False
for _ in range(corridor_length):
if board[px, py] != 1 and board[px, py] != 2:
board[px, py] = 2
if (-d[0], -d[1]) not in movable or board[px - d[0], py - d[1]] != 2:
changed = True
px += d[0]
py += d[1]
if changed:
corridor_num += 1
if len(movable) != 0:
if len(movable) > 1:
d = movable[random.randint(0, len(movable) - 1)]
d = movable[0]
for _ in range(corridor_length):
px += d[0]
py += d[1]
crates = 0
while crates < self.max_crates:
px = random.randint(0, (self.board_shape[0] - 1))
py = random.randint(0, (self.board_shape[1] - 1))
if board[px, py] == 1:
board[px, py] = 3
crates += 1
board[board == 2] = 1
print((room_num, self.max_room_num))
print((corridor_num, self.max_corridors))
self.board = board
# setting up the board
for x_pos in range(0, self.board_shape[0]):
for y_pos in range(0, self.board_shape[1]):
for z_pos in range(0, 1):
self.put_object(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, Cube().setColor(1, 1, 1))
# adding subjects
from labirinth_ai.Subject import Hunter, Herbivore
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from labirinth_ai.Population import Population
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self._hunters = Population(Hunter, self, 10, do_evolve=False)
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2022-11-14 11:18:57 +01:00
self._herbivores = Population(Herbivore, self, 40, do_evolve=False)
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self.subjectDict = self.build_subject_dict()
def generate_free_coordinates(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
while True:
px = random.randint(self.max_room_dim, self.board_shape[0] - self.max_room_dim)
py = random.randint(self.max_room_dim, self.board_shape[1] - self.max_room_dim)
if self.board[px, py] == 1:
return px, py
def build_subject_dict(self):
subject_dict = {}
for x in range(self.board_shape[0]):
for y in range(self.board_shape[1]):
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subject_dict[(x, y)] = []
for sub in self.subjects:
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subject_dict[(sub.x, sub.y)].append(sub)
return subject_dict
def update(self):
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if self.round % self.evolve_timer == 0:
print('Evolve population')
self.round = 0
self.subjectDict = self.build_subject_dict()
self.round += 1
# start = time.time()
for sub in self.subjects:
for sub in self.subjects:
if sub.alive:
sub.tick += 1
kill_table = {}
live_table = {}
for sub in self.subjects:
if sub.name not in kill_table.keys():
kill_table[sub.name] = 0
live_table[sub.name] = 0
kill_table[sub.name] += sub.kills
live_table[sub.name] += sub.lives
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if not sub.alive:
px = random.randint(self.max_room_dim, (self.board_shape[0] - 1) - self.max_room_dim)
py = random.randint(self.max_room_dim, (self.board_shape[1] - 1) - self.max_room_dim)
while self.board[px, py] == 0:
px = random.randint(self.max_room_dim, (self.board_shape[0] - 1) - self.max_room_dim)
py = random.randint(self.max_room_dim, (self.board_shape[1] - 1) - self.max_room_dim)
sub.respawnUpdate(px, py, self)
self.trailMix *= 0.99
self.grass = np.minimum(self.grass + 0.01 * (self.board != 0), 3)
self.hunter_grass = np.minimum(self.hunter_grass + 0.01 * (self.board != 0), 3)
self.trailMix *= (self.trailMix > 0.01)